Post-Contest: Chest, Shoulders & Triceps
Easing my way back into training with this workout after competing in the Vancouver BC Pro last weekend!
Strength Block Wk1 Day3: Stiff Bar Action
Oh the joys of deadlifts without deficit's... if i knew how to read
Close Grip Bench Gains
Close grip is one of the best things you can progressively overload to get a stronger bench press!
Week 9 Day 4 - Deadlift Training....
"If you believe in yourself and have dedication and pride - and never quit, you'll be a winner. The price of victory is high but so are the rewards." - Paul Bryant
Perception of Vulnerability
There is this perceived notion that in order to be strong one must be indestructable.
Episode 10: "Emotional Pitfalls of Prep & Strategies for Succes...
When NOT to Compete, Self-Worth & Social Media, Strategies for Dieting Success, and Unique Needs of Military Athletes..