One Heath Club Train The Trainers Workshop! (w/videos)
2 Instructors, 25 Trainers and the biggest health club I've ever seen!
Video log update
Clint Darden impressions and some ramblings...really not informational so enjoy if you dare
Growth, Insight, and All of the Happiness
Plans are good, but I have learned life doesn't give a shit about the plan you have
Memorial Day Back & Biceps
Thanks those who paid the ultimate sacrifice, I was able to enjoy the freedom of training in peace today!
Week 5 Day 1 - Multiply Bench with VIDEO....
That 800 pounds was only an illusion. The shirt and bands lifted it....
Early Events and a Whole Competition in One Killer Medley (w/ video)
Three and a half minutes of pain - just like your first prison shower
Mo-bility, Mo-problems
Mobility: "easy come easy go", "if you don't use it you lose it", "spinning plates".
My Daughter's Prom Pictures....
A fathers job is not to teach his daughter how to be a lady. It's to teach her how a lady should be treated....
Episode 05: "Discipline over Motivation" feat. Jim Wendler
Why is "Motivation" flawed, is peaking overrated for powerlifting, and keys to long-term success..
Training Week Summary: 7 Weeks Post-Meet
Joe has an elite total in the 220-pound weight class. He is currently training to compete in the 198-pound class this winter. Check out his 6-week training experiment using Trans Cranial Direct Stimulation and Compensatory Acceleration. Listen to his Peak Mental Performance Podcast where he interviews experts around the world to link mental health with sports performance.