The Bigger Picture
The Bigger Picture
Where I am right now is not my final destination.
Main bench - Volume sucks
Main bench - Volume sucks
There's room to grow and thats what will keep me moving forward.
Brain Gainz-- What I'm Reading, Listening to, Pondering (May)
Brain Gainz-- What I'm Reading, Listening to, Pondering (May)
Things I'm reading, listening, thinking about
Squat Day
Squat Day
Squat day, crazy last set
Week 4 Day 3 - Supplemental Training....
Week 4 Day 3 - Supplemental Training....
Its the small things that make the difference....
Band Squats THEN and NOW
Band Squats THEN and NOW
made some progress
training 05.28.2017
training 05.28.2017
floor press and rows
training 05.27.2017
training 05.27.2017
squats with bands
Vlog Post. I Quit My Job!
Vlog Post. I Quit My Job!
I am moving onto bigger and better things. I may need to tighten the belt somewhat in the future, but this will be the best option for my next endeavor as a physical therapist student.
training 05.25.2017
training 05.25.2017
Tsunami bar benching
training 05.24.2017
training 05.24.2017
hack squat day
And Now, For My Next Trick!
And Now, For My Next Trick!
Prowler & Kettlebells, complete body wreck.
Recovery day
Recovery day
Take of you to take care of others.
Memorial Day is for benching
Memorial Day is for benching
...and benching is hard
Dynamic Effort Upper: More Speed Benching and Close Grip Work [PR]
Dynamic Effort Upper: More Speed Benching and Close Grip Work [PR]
APF/AAPF Summer Bash Meet Prep; Wk 2, Day 5 - 5.17.17
Hypertrophy: Wk4 Day1 - Too Tired!
Hypertrophy: Wk4 Day1 - Too Tired!
The morning struggle of my life revealed prior to having my coffee ....
Speed pulls
Speed pulls
Training doesn't have to be hours long.
One of The Biggest Mistakes People Are Making in Programming
One of The Biggest Mistakes People Are Making in Programming
Joe recently qualified for USAPL Raw Nationals. He's preparing for another competition this fall. Follow his log for training tips and his new Podcast series, Peak Mental Performance.
It's the things you learn along the way. #livelearnpasson

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