I'm Amazed I Can Stand Up with Such Garbage Technique
I'm Amazed I Can Stand Up with Such Garbage Technique
Apparently I'm getting better in spite of myself - I wonder what would happen if I fixed my screw ups?
Finally Finished with Finals and Getting Back on Track(ish)
Finally Finished with Finals and Getting Back on Track(ish)
Not back to 100% yet, but definitely getting there
Saturday Morning Legs
Saturday Morning Legs
Exactly 4 weeks out from competing as of this workout!
training 05.21.2017
training 05.21.2017
upper M/E work
training 05.20.2017
training 05.20.2017
M/E lower - SS Yoke bar squats
training 05.18.2017
training 05.18.2017
upper accessory
training 05.17.2017
training 05.17.2017
lower accessory
Training Week of 5/28
Training Week of 5/28
Training Week for 5/28
Keeping It Real ! (w/video)
Keeping It Real ! (w/video)
Training plus living, learning, passing on.
What's going on...
What's going on...
A little insight to what Ive been up too.
Grow them wheels.
Grow them wheels.
Keeping Mr. Meadows in my minds as this training session takes part.
In Which I Make Some Dumb Weight Choices on Event Day (w/ Video)
In Which I Make Some Dumb Weight Choices on Event Day (w/ Video)
I would have yelled at me for my stupidity if I had been training with me
I Could Not Do Less
I Could Not Do Less
Seriously, this was about a quarter step above not training at all
Primary Chest, Shoulders & Triceps
Primary Chest, Shoulders & Triceps
4.5 weeks out from my next competition and feeling the grind of the diet...but no rest!
Sumo Work and Hips Feeling Better
Sumo Work and Hips Feeling Better
Volume deload! Pulling back now, to unleash a little more in the next week.
Bench Day
Bench Day
Bench Day
Dynamic Effort Lower: Speed Squats and Working On Deadlifts
Dynamic Effort Lower: Speed Squats and Working On Deadlifts
APF/AAPF Summer Bash Meet Prep; Wk 2, Day 4 - 5.16.17
Bodybuilding Day: Back and Bicep Work
Bodybuilding Day: Back and Bicep Work
APF/AAPF Summer Bash Meet Prep; Wk 2, Day 3 - 5.15.17

Items 5301 to 5320 of 13402 total