Finally Finished with Finals and Getting Back on Track(ish)
Not back to 100% yet, but definitely getting there
In Which I Make Some Dumb Weight Choices on Event Day (w/ Video)
I would have yelled at me for my stupidity if I had been training with me
Primary Chest, Shoulders & Triceps
4.5 weeks out from my next competition and feeling the grind of the diet...but no rest!
Sumo Work and Hips Feeling Better
Volume deload! Pulling back now, to unleash a little more in the next week.
Dynamic Effort Lower: Speed Squats and Working On Deadlifts
APF/AAPF Summer Bash Meet Prep; Wk 2, Day 4 - 5.16.17
Hypertrophy: Wk3 Day4 - bench press getting worked on in the shop
Next several weeks I will be changing things on my bench to see if I am holding myself back from a better more e