Max Effort Upper: Floor Press [PR] and Pin Press Work
Max Effort Upper: Floor Press [PR] and Pin Press Work
APF/AAPF Summer Bash Meet Prep; Wk 1, Day 2 - 5.7.17
Max Effort Lower: SSB Squats and My Current Nutrition Layout
Max Effort Lower: SSB Squats and My Current Nutrition Layout
APF/AAPF Summer Bash Meet Prep; Wk 1, Day 1 - 5.6.17
Wed Night - Chest, Shoulders & Triceps
Wed Night - Chest, Shoulders & Triceps
Starting to feel my diet kicking in on this workout.
Training Week Summary: Week 6 Post-Meet
Training Week Summary: Week 6 Post-Meet
Slight Change to Deadlift Structure, and Continuing to Increase Volume..
Hypertrophy: Wk2 Day3
Hypertrophy: Wk2 Day3
First day back squatting with a bar since partially tearing my hamstring, this is how it went...
Bodybuilding Day: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps
Bodybuilding Day: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps
The Conjugate Monster Program; Wk 24, Day 7 - 5.5.17
If You Can't Come Down, Don't Go Up
If You Can't Come Down, Don't Go Up
What goes up, must come down
Bodybuilding Day: Legs
Bodybuilding Day: Legs
The Conjugate Monster Program; Wk 24, Day 6 - 5.4.17
Dynamic Effort Lower: DELOAD - No Barbell Speed Work
Dynamic Effort Lower: DELOAD - No Barbell Speed Work
The Conjugate Monster Program; Wk 24, Day 4 - 5.2.17
Mental Health, Kratom, and Seeking Help
Mental Health, Kratom, and Seeking Help
Avoid pride or stubbornness. It can only hinder you! If you accept there is an issue, you can seek help.
Pre-Comp Mini Deload
Pre-Comp Mini Deload
It's not how fast you move, it's how well you move fast (hopefully)
Bodybuilding Day: Back and Biceps
Bodybuilding Day: Back and Biceps
The Conjugate Monster Program; Wk 24, Day 3 - 5.1.17
Quick Picks for the Month of April 2017
Quick Picks for the Month of April 2017
All of April's best reads in one place.
575x3 on Squats for PR Triple and OHP
575x3 on Squats for PR Triple and OHP
Although I missed my goal of 575x5, 575x3 was still a PR. I might have been a little over ambitious.
Speed DL week 3 of 3 vs Heavy Bands (Video)
Speed DL week 3 of 3 vs Heavy Bands (Video)
Speed pulls and a couple heavier reps
Starting over, Standing tall
Starting over, Standing tall
Starting over for the third time in 2 years isn't easy...but pimpin' ain't easy either.
Back, Biceps & Abs
Back, Biceps & Abs
Every time I dust off my MAG attachment for back I remember I why I love it so much!
Gaining Confidence
Gaining Confidence
Finally starting to gain a little confidence with the new training and all of the exercises/variety.  I've started to up the weights as I learn to navigate bodybuilding training, which is just still so foreign to me.  Today was an upper body day, which I thoroughly enjoy, even though I must admit I miss my […]

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