Episode 03: "Methods behind an All-Time World Record, to 120lb Weig...
Watch or Listen to Episode 03 of the Peak Mental Performance Podcast!
Daily Double Kettlebell Destroyer Day 6 Challenge (w/video)
Getting Comfortable Being Uncomfortable.
"Focus on Your Strengths.." / How Vincent Dizenzo Hit his firs...
Preview of Tomorrow's Podcast with Vincent Dizenzo.
Daily Double Kettlebell Destroyer Day 5 Challenge (w/video)
Full throttle body pump Kettlebell Chains!
Multiply Lifting for the Broke College Student
Can drinking Natty Light and lifting in hundreds of dollars worth of gear coexist as a broke college student? Why, yes it can.
Hypertrophy: Wk2 Day1
Watching training videos of compensations can be frustrating when you thought your positioning was great the whole workout.
Reflection. Inspection. Progression.
Everything we hope to do and every change we hope to make begins with our own self-awareness.