Reflection. Inspection. Progression.
Reflection. Inspection. Progression.
Everything we hope to do and every change we hope to make begins with our own self-awareness.
Word To Ya Mutha
Word To Ya Mutha
Happy Mother's day.
Addicted To The Iron (w/video's)
Addicted To The Iron (w/video's)
First time squating since December, do I look like a girl with a plan?
Training Week of 5/14
Training Week of 5/14
5/14 Training Week
Bench Day
Bench Day
Bench day
Duffalo and Pec Centric Focus
Duffalo and Pec Centric Focus
Again. Work capacity and pumps out the wazoo.
training 05.10.2017
training 05.10.2017
Moving again....
update 05.08.2017
update 05.08.2017
the answer...
Max Effort Lower: DELOAD -  AKA Prowlin'
Max Effort Lower: DELOAD - AKA Prowlin'
The Conjugate Monster Program; Wk 24, Day 1 - 4.29.17
I Am Become Deadlift
I Am Become Deadlift
Anterior hip pain is off the charts. Bringing it back down needs to happen over the next few weeks.
VIDEO: Week 23 Recap
VIDEO: Week 23 Recap
The Conjugate Monster Program
Episode 02: "Who Defines You?" feat. IFBB Pro Mark Dugdale
Episode 02: "Who Defines You?" feat. IFBB Pro Mark Dugdale
..Lessons from 24 years of competing, Challenges of the Off-Season, and Who defines you?
Hypertrophy: Wk1 Day4
Hypertrophy: Wk1 Day4
Day four is always a upper body rep day leaving me with an uncomfortable pump.
Bodybuilding Day: Back and Arms - A Bit Of A Change
Bodybuilding Day: Back and Arms - A Bit Of A Change
The Conjugate Monster Program; Wk 23, Day 7 - 4.28.17
Bodybuilding Day: Legs and a New Puppy - Denali! [PICTURE]
Bodybuilding Day: Legs and a New Puppy - Denali! [PICTURE]
The Conjugate Monster Program; Wk 23, Day 6 - 4.27.17
Bench Program. Week 6, Day 2.
Bench Program. Week 6, Day 2.
looking forward to finishing this program...
Dynamic Effort Lower: Speed Squats and Some Heavy Tuggin'
Dynamic Effort Lower: Speed Squats and Some Heavy Tuggin'
The Conjugate Monster Program; Wk 23, Day 5 - 4.26.17
Wednesday Night Chest, Shoulders & Triceps
Wednesday Night Chest, Shoulders & Triceps
Training solo, but happy to get 8 solid reps with the new 125lb dumbbells tonight!

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