Incline Close Grip Hypertrophy and Hooking!
Getting better and better day by day. The muscle built now, will increase the strength in the future.
Dynamic Effort Upper: Swiss Bar Speed Benching and Back Work
The Conjugate Monster Program; Wk 22, Day 7 - 4.21.17
Why I Only Trained One Day This Week
I only got to train one day this week, but I also got to see 360 joules of energy flow through a man who had an incredibly unstable heart rhythm. By the way, 360 joules is the maximum amount of energy you can deliver from a cardiac monitor, so yea, it was pretty cool.
Week 1 Day 2 - Hook Grip Raw Deadlift Training with VIDEO....
My hands hurt, my back hurts and I feel like I am dying. I guess I still know I am alive....
Dynamic Effort Lower: Speed Squats/Pulls Feeling Good
The Conjugate Monster Program; Wk 22, Day 4 - 4.18.17
Max Effort Upper: Fat Bar Reverse Light Band Bench Press [PR]
The Conjugate Monster Program; Wk 22, Day 3 - 4.17.17
Training Week Summary: Week 3 Post-Meet
Adjusting to the increase in overall volume, but feeling good!
How I was able to hurt myself during vacation ... while training?!
Training has been, "get it in while you can". Well I made a bad decision during HIIT training to finish a session and...
VIDEO: How To Properly Use The Tsunami Lat Pulldown Bar
Learn how to use the Tsunmai Lat Bar for maximal back hypertrophy and strength.
80% Beltless Deficit Deads for 10s
Increasing the ROM and increasing strength in that position is always going to be beneficial!