Bench Program: Week 5, Day 1
Bench Program: Week 5, Day 1
another good bench day in the books...
VIDEO: Week 21 Recap
VIDEO: Week 21 Recap
The Conjugate Monster Program
New month , New focus
New month , New focus
Focus on what feels good.
Squat Doubles vs Heavy bands
Squat Doubles vs Heavy bands
415+strong bands x 2 and first time in 300cm knee wraps.
Medium Grip Benching and Positive Self Talk
Medium Grip Benching and Positive Self Talk
Believing you can achieve something is the first step to doing that very same thing
Infinty Squats, and Position Work for Sumo
Infinty Squats, and Position Work for Sumo
No one nosebleed, or high intensity set is what makes you strong. The sweat, the pain, and the breath of sets of 10 are what make you strong.
Opposite Side of the World: Day 5 Mt Fuji Day Tour
Opposite Side of the World: Day 5 Mt Fuji Day Tour
One of the most jam packed days I have ever experienced. So many amazing sites, views, sounds, and thoughts. This post does not do this experience justice.
Stay tuned for more details :)
Leg assist/interval training
Leg assist/interval training
Getting comfortable with being uncomfortable
ART 04.27.2017
ART 04.27.2017
Trying to figure it out.
training 04.23.2017
training 04.23.2017
full bench with chains
training 04.16.2017
training 04.16.2017
floor press with chains
training 04.15.2017
training 04.15.2017
controlled for reps

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