Main Squat - 16 Weeks Out
Training at Perfect Storm Gym - 16 weeks out from the Hybrid Open in Miami
Loaded vs unloaded movement requirements- Box Squat, cambered bar
Should an athlete (powerlifting) be able to reach "depth" un-loaded?
Doctors hate her for using this one tiny trick to get her bench to touch!
Squat and bench and last week of 5s thank little baby jesus. Also did I use a random picture of my training partner's crotch for this? Why yes I did.
Sunday Squats- Getting Heavier
Transitioning to the heavier part of my contest prep, volume going down and weight going up.
Back in the Suitdle Again Featuring Deadlift ~ViDz~
Did that read like "Back in the Saddle Again"? Well it should have. If not, try again. Anyway working on pulling in the suit more. Also including a comical video of me being chased by a runaway bar (where is my Benny Hill theme song?). Oh and some benching.
Rehab exercise I’ll be doing for weeks to come to rehab shoulder pain and prevent bicep tendinitis via Jared Caroff, PT
American Cambered Bar and all the grind
I am actually beginning to be more comfortable with the bench than I am any other lift... never thought I'd say that in my powerlifting career