GPP Wk1 Day 1: Prowler Flu and Power Waddles
We got new plates put on the prowler recently. Whatever they are made of creates more friction causing life to be a struggle!
Main Deadlift - 2 Weeks out from IPF Bench Worlds - With Video
2 weeks out from IPF Bench Press World Championships
Main Bench and Squat - 2 Weeks Out - With Video
2 Weeks out from IPF Bench Press World Championships
My Current Pre-Workout / Kratom + Cold-Brew Coffee Combo
Big boost of energy/focus, but easy on the stomach.
Ben Freaking Pollack Winning the US OPEN!!!
Proud I could help this dude do what he set out to! WATCH 1884@181 at the US Open
Quick Picks for the Month of March 2017
In case you missed the best articles from the month of March!
MEET REPORT 2121 @ 220 CETC US Open
Reposting this from the front page in case anyone did not see. This was the majority of what April was focused on, and what the last year had lead up to.
Bench program week 2 day 2
Week 2 of my bench program. It's an 8 week program 2x per week and you max out on the 9th week. I've struggled to really put anything on my bench in the past year or two so I'm giving this a whirl. It's a lot more volume than I'm used to but as long […]
Dynamic Effort Lower: Finally Gaining Some Momentum
The Conjugate Monster Program; Wk 19, Day 4 - 3.28.17
Vlog #2 - Self Talk
Recap and takeaways from Julia Ladewski's presentation at the OSU BarBELLES finale event.