Week 12 Day 1 - Off Season Training - Chest, Tris, Traps....
"Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough." - Og Mandino
Training Week Summary: Week 1 Post-Meet Training
Bumping Bench Frequency up to 3x a Week, and Getting back in a groove.
Week 11 Day 4 - Off Season Training - Deadlift with VIDEO....
"Little men bleed between their thighs but big men bleed from their shins." - unknown
Main Deadlift - 3 Weeks out from Bench Worlds
Conventional Deadlift 135x5 135x3 225x4 275x2 315x3x3 GHR 5X10 Upperback 6-8 sets 10-12 reps
Flying to San Diego
When water cutting you need to stay hydrated on the plane. Otherwise you run the risk of retaining excess water. WOrd of advice is to bring an EMPTY gallon with you and use a sink in the bathroom of the airport to fill it after getting through security. You look like a dumbass bro, but […]
Max Effort Upper: Bench Shirt Work - Heaviest Weight I've Held
The Conjugate Monster Program; Wk 19, Day 2 - 3.26.17
RPS King and Queen Of Spring
Although not the best of my totals I learned some valuable lesson's if I want to progress in this sport.
VIDEO: Three Tips to Increase Your Bench Press
Some things you might not have thought of to help increase your bench press - immediately.