Bodybuilding - Week 3
Bodybuilding - Week 3
6 way shoulder exercise. New movement for me and a must do.
Bodybuilding - Week 3
Bodybuilding - Week 3
140 reps of leg presses. That is all.
A Complexing Problem!
A Complexing Problem!
All these kettlebells but what do I do with them?
Main Bench - 3 Weeks Out
Main Bench - 3 Weeks Out
Three weeks out from IPF Bench World's.
Back, Biceps & Abdominals
Back, Biceps & Abdominals
Max tension exercise to kick off this workout!
Week 11 Day 3 - Off Season Training - Supplemental Training....
Week 11 Day 3 - Off Season Training - Supplemental Training....
"All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become." — Buddha
Post-Meet, Blood Work, and Change in Nutrition Moving Forward
Post-Meet, Blood Work, and Change in Nutrition Moving Forward
Time to give the tortellini and ice cream a break.
Thinking out loud
Yeah...I wanna be big again.
Main Squat - 3 Weeks out
Main Squat - 3 Weeks out
Tuesday Squat 135x5 190x3 225x3 Belt on 245x2 285x4x3 Leg press 3x10
Dynamic Effort Upper: Speed Bench and Latissimus
Dynamic Effort Upper: Speed Bench and Latissimus
The Conjugate Monster Program; Wk 18, Day 7 - 3.24.17
Some progress on the health front
Some progress on the health front
And maybe a bad decision or two...
Chest, Triceps, Abs and Calves
Chest, Triceps, Abs and Calves
Eccentric and concentric focused band work today!
VIDEO: Intro to Auto-Regulation
VIDEO: Intro to Auto-Regulation
What is Auto-Regulation? And how do you know when to use it? Find out here..
Combo Day: Squats and Pulls Making Headway
Combo Day: Squats and Pulls Making Headway
The Conjugate Monster Program; Wk 18, Day 6 - 3.23.17
Another Dr., Another Guess
Another Dr., Another Guess
Treatment and figuring out what is wrong with me goes beyond powerlifting.
Week 11 Day 2 - Off Season Training - High Box Squats with VIDEO....
Week 11 Day 2 - Off Season Training - High Box Squats with VIDEO....
"Never give up, and be confident in what you do. There may be tough times, but the difficulties which you face will make you more determined to achieve your objectives and to win against all the odds." - Marta
Bodybuilding Day: Chest, Shoulders, Tri's
Bodybuilding Day: Chest, Shoulders, Tri's
The Conjugate Monster Program; Wk 18, Day 5 - 3.22.17

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