Meet Week day 3
Meet Week day 3
Weight is in a good place still and I am just trying to fight hunger urges and impatience with others.
Upper With A Twist Of Grip Strength! (w/video's)
Upper With A Twist Of Grip Strength! (w/video's)
Bottom's up Kettlebell presses and reverse hyper face pulls, Priceless!
Got 20 Minutes And A Kettlebell?
Got 20 Minutes And A Kettlebell?
A great beginner kettlebell workout routine, no setting the bell down, that's your challenge!
Dynamic Effort Lower: Finally Starting a Speed Wave
Dynamic Effort Lower: Finally Starting a Speed Wave
The Conjugate Monster Program; Wk 18, Day 4 - 3.21.17
Bodybuilding Day: Back and Bi's
Bodybuilding Day: Back and Bi's
The Conjugate Monster Program; Wk 18, Day 3 - 3.20.17
Week 11 Day 1 - Off Season Training - Raw Bench PR with VIDEO....
Week 11 Day 1 - Off Season Training - Raw Bench PR with VIDEO....
"Haters don't hate you, they hate themselves. Because you are a reflection of what they wish to be." - unknown
VIDEO: How to Choose Your Career Path as an Exercise Science Student
VIDEO: How to Choose Your Career Path as an Exercise Science Student
Using Values and Strengths to help kick-start your decision-making process..
Start of a new Bench Program
Start of a new Bench Program
Day 1 of a 9 week bench program
Legs, Abs & Calves
Legs, Abs & Calves
Similar to last week's main leg session, but with a couple different progressive parameters added!
Squat triples
Squat triples
1st time back under a straight bar post meet....
Team Nebobarbell - Oronde "Smash" Carson – SPF Ironman – Gatlinburg, Tenn – 03/11/17 with VIDEO
Team Nebobarbell - Oronde "Smash" Carson – SPF Ironman – Gatli...
"Do not underestimate the determination of a quiet man." - Iain Duncan Smith
Wide Grip Bench Day
Wide Grip Bench Day
Wide Grip Bench
training 03.26.2017
training 03.26.2017
benching and rowing
Lower assistance
Lower assistance
Active warm ups and active recovery.
Tied a 3rm bench at The Compound
Tied a 3rm bench at The Compound
tied a Bench PR hitting 405x3
Sore Loser
Sore Loser
I'm a sore loser
Week 10 Day 4 - Off Season Training - Rehab and Mobility Stuff....
Week 10 Day 4 - Off Season Training - Rehab and Mobility Stuff....
"To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear." - Buddha

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