Wk14 Day1: Well, I squatted and my body held together
Wk14 Day1: Well, I squatted and my body held together
Last Squats before the meet. Worked up to my last "warm up" before my opener.
To hell and back
To hell and back
I'm not hardcore...stubborn, yes. Tough, I suppose. Resilient, certainly.
Present's from Across the Pond
Present's from Across the Pond
Nothing to do with anything strength, just cool presents I will eat after this weight drop thing
Quote that's getting me through a rough patch...
Quote that's getting me through a rough patch...
If you're killing yourself over something, you better have a "why".
I'm Going to IPF Classic Worlds
I'm Going to IPF Classic Worlds
I'll be representing Canada at both IPF bench only and 3 lift classic world's this year!
Training Week [3/19-3/26]
Training Week [3/19-3/26]
Training Week 3/19
Bodybuilding Week 1 - Legs (2)
Bodybuilding Week 1 - Legs (2)
Give me all the thickness.
Bodybuilding Week 1 - Bench and Shoulders
Bodybuilding Week 1 - Bench and Shoulders
Your coach sucks and your bench is ugly.
Crazy high reps today!
training 03.08.2017
training 03.08.2017
Half movements and scorchers
VIDEO: Week 16 Recap
VIDEO: Week 16 Recap
The Conjugate Monster Program
Overhead Pressing and Video of the Scales of Justice Pullups
Overhead Pressing and Video of the Scales of Justice Pullups
Lady Justice may be blind, but she also lets you know real quick when you're sucking the hind teat
Upper Training
Upper Training
Upper training with Viking presses & Video clip
SSB Squats and Straight leg deadlifts
SSB Squats and Straight leg deadlifts
just trying to recover from the flu bug that hit my house....

Items 5801 to 5820 of 13402 total