Upper Attack Wow What A Pump! (w/video)
I have never felt my traps, shoulders and upper back like this, off season training rocks.
Main Bench - 5 Weeks Out
First day back to training after CPU Nationals. Time to prep for IPF Bench Worlds.
Week 10 Day 1 - Off Season Training - Raw Bench-press with VIDEO....
“The only easy day was yesterday” – Navy SEALS
Wk13 Day2: Don't ask how I even did this
Blessed and baffled I was able to even get this session in but it happened.
More Incline Pressing
Last week my training crew at The Strength Lab and I worked up to a 3rm on incline bench, this week to a 2 RM. We pretty much never incline barbell bench and I'm decent ad DB incline so I don't know why I suck so bad with a bar, but at least everyone else […]
Synchronized Double Kettlebells For The Win! (w/video)
More than just powerlifters we do conditioning too!
"Don't Forget the And..."
We've moved in a direction where people are quick to air their dirty laundry and vent their faults, but do we often forget the "and"?