Fuck It, I'm Doing a Meet
Deciding to do a meet during the most challenging part of my life, because fuck it.
Primary Legs
Eccentric overload, isoholds, supersets, rest/pause reps...yeah, this workout had it all!
VIDEO: How to Make Progress No Matter What Training Program You Use
Linear, Conjugate, Undulating.. It doesn't matter what program you use if you can follow these guidelines..
Team Nebobarbell- Dalton Dufresne – SPF Ironman – Gatlinburg, Tenn – 03/...
"Great things are done by a series of small things brought together." - Vincent Van Gogh
Quick update from CPU Nationals
I have yet to take a break from volunteering, handling, and socializing at Nationals. It's a week long event and runs long hours, and I like to help out as much as I can so there hasn't been much time to sit or write. Although it was my best performance to date, I was beat […]