Squats in Briefs (up to 750lbs) from 4 Years Ago / How I Will Adjust My Equipped Squatting When I Compete in Gear Again
Squats in Briefs (up to 750lbs) from 4 Years Ago / How I Will Adjust My ...
When I started doing things "the right way" was when I started screwing things up...
Arnold video links
Arnold video links
What a great experience
Competition Tip: 3 Ways to Manage Stress on Meet Day
Competition Tip: 3 Ways to Manage Stress on Meet Day
Here are 3 Simple but Effective Ways to Manage Stress During Meet Day..
Back At It
Back At It
Post XPC Finals, JP is in the off-season chasing a 2300-pound total — his current target for training. As 5thset and FYFM remain, follow his log as he starts to dial it in for another meet late July.
Bryan Doberdruk 21 Dealdift Salute
Bryan Doberdruk 21 Dealdift Salute
Despite being a scrawny 214 lbs, took home 1st at the 21 Deadlift Salute
Lower Training - Easing back into it
Lower Training - Easing back into it
Lower Training - Literally easing back into it
Arnold's Expo 21 Deadlift Salute Roundup! (w/video's)
Arnold's Expo 21 Deadlift Salute Roundup! (w/video's)
An 11 Lb all time meet PR and one hell of a good time, Priceless !
5/3/1 Week Cycle 2 - Bench and Deads
5/3/1 Week Cycle 2 - Bench and Deads
Starting off the heavy week.
VIDEO: Week 14 Recap
VIDEO: Week 14 Recap
The Conjugate Monster Program
Rest week
Rest week
Took 7 days off
Main Bench and Squat - 2 Weeks Out - With Video
Main Bench and Squat - 2 Weeks Out - With Video
Heaviest training of this prep! 2 weeks out from CPU Nationals and 7 weeks out from IPF Worlds.
Arnold weeked recap
Arnold weeked recap
Quick update on my weekend at the Arnold
Week 9 Day 2 - Off Season Training - Team Nebobarbell Meet Squat Openers....
Week 9 Day 2 - Off Season Training - Team Nebobarbell Meet Squat Openers...
"The family is one of nature's masterpieces." - George Santayana
Training Footage!
Training Footage!
Feeling good in Montreal! Weekend Getaway was just what my lifts needed.
Training Week [3/6-3/12]
Training Week [3/6-3/12]
Pulled 405 for the first time since PT! (pulled it 6 times in total if I'm being thorough :) )
And Now, We Build
And Now, We Build
My goal for the night was just to squat the bar, because I haven't even had a barbell on my back in 6.5 months.
How I Implement "Speed Work" In My Raw Bench Cycles
How I Implement "Speed Work" In My Raw Bench Cycles
How I organize this part of training for myself and my clients
training 02.23.2017
training 02.23.2017
BandBell bench
training 02.22.2017
training 02.22.2017
lower training
Wk11 Day 1: Entering into "The Peak"
Wk11 Day 1: Entering into "The Peak"
Getting under heavy weight, the wraps are needing to get tighter!

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