WK10 Day2: Prepping to peak Bench and Chains
Benching has been looking promising and this is one of the staple sessions that has me very hopeful for mob next meet!
Light Sumo Deadlifts - 3 Weeks Out
Training 3 weeks out from CPU Nationals and 8 weeks out from IPF worlds.
1 Year With Elite FTS
I'm injured, but that doesn't mean I can't still be a part of the gym in some way, so I'm going to do that.
Deload Week
Deload Week-- really excited to start my next Development cycle. Happy, Healthy, and ready to make some real sustainable progress.
Week 8 Day 3 - Off Season Training - Supplemental Training....
“The resistance that you fight physically in the gym and the resistance that you fight in life can only build a strong character.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger