Meet Week training
Meet Week training
Get a pump and leave.
Light Sumo Deadlifts - 3 Weeks Out
Light Sumo Deadlifts - 3 Weeks Out
Training 3 weeks out from CPU Nationals and 8 weeks out from IPF worlds.
Iron Maiden
Iron Maiden
Bella forza.
Elbow Pain
Elbow Pain
What I do to help elbow pain
That One Time I Broke The Internet
That One Time I Broke The Internet
That time I squatted a Grand
training 02.19.2017
training 02.19.2017
dumbbells are cool
training 02.18.2017
training 02.18.2017
paying dues
training 02.16.2017
training 02.16.2017
shaking a bit
training 02.15.2017
training 02.15.2017
SS Yoke bar good mornings
1 Year With Elite FTS
1 Year With Elite FTS
I'm injured, but that doesn't mean I can't still be a part of the gym in some way, so I'm going to do that.
Why I'm not Competing at the Arnold...
Why I'm not Competing at the Arnold...
Why I chose to opt out of competing this weekend.
Deload Week
Deload Week
Deload Week-- really excited to start my next Development cycle. Happy, Healthy, and ready to make some real sustainable progress.
Meet Week Mindset pt. #2
Meet Week Mindset pt. #2
Reflect. Find your purpose.
Chain Of Events
Chain Of Events
With yoga came an opportunity. With an opportunity came a challenge.
Meet week mindset. #1
Meet week mindset. #1
Enjoy the Ride.
Consciousness With A Side Of Oatmeal
Consciousness With A Side Of Oatmeal
We talk about happiness as if it were an end goal...
Week 8 Day 3 - Off Season Training - Supplemental Training....
Week 8 Day 3 - Off Season Training - Supplemental Training....
“The resistance that you fight physically in the gym and the resistance that you fight in life can only build a strong character.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger
Q&A Answers 3.0
Q&A Answers 3.0
A verbal shit show

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