Final Deadlift Session 1 Week Out Arnold's Main Stage Expo!
And that's a wrap, rest, relax, recover. Huge thanks to all that helped me in this journey.
Week 8 Day 2 -Off Season Training - Supplemental Leg Training....
“The pain you feel today is the strength you’ll feel tomorrow” – Unknown
Wk9 Day3: SPS Seminar Deadlifts at the S4 Compound!!
Training at the compound is always a reminder of how fortunate I am.
Dynamic Effort Lower: Light Speed Work, But It's Coming Back
The Conjugate Monster Program; Wk 14, Day 4 - 2.21.17
Main Bench and Light Squats - 3 Weeks out - With Video
Training 3 weeks out from CPU Nationals and 8 weeks out from IPF Worlds.