Week 8 Day 1 - Offseason Training - Benchin....
“Everybody wants to be a bodybuilder, but don’t nobody wanna lift no heavy ass weight.” – Ronnie Coleman
Week 7 Day 4 - Off Season Training - Deadlift with VIDEO....
"Pain is weakness leaving the body” – Unknown
Pause Squats, Hamburger Knees, Bench Press
Wrapping your knees two times a week is like trying to beat off as many times as you can in one day. You just end up unhappy and chafed.
All Kinds of Tugging - with Video
Different starting points, stopping points, bars, and resistance types
XPC finals week 3 bench
Battling ulcerative colitis, follow Casey's journey of gaining back his body weight and making lifestyle changes (diet, stress, medicinal) to resume his platform position. For the sake of your relationship, watch Coupled in Strength, where he and Yessica Martinez share their relationship woes and wows to transform your atrophied love to swole love.