Team Nebobarbell - Exercise of the Day with VIDEO....
Team Nebobarbell - Exercise of the Day with VIDEO....
"Stay focused, go after your dreams and keep moving toward your goals." - LL Cool J
 Wk8 Day2: "Speed Bench" with up sets and great progress
Wk8 Day2: "Speed Bench" with up sets and great progress
if I were to be told, "you are doing dynamic effort and going to be holding roughly 400 at lockout" I would not believe you.
Make Up Work for Missing on Friday
Make Up Work for Missing on Friday
Now I just need to get back to prowling on a regular basis
Valentine's Day Pulls 2.5 Weeks Out Arnold's!
Valentine's Day Pulls 2.5 Weeks Out Arnold's!
Nothing spells love like training for the Arnold's together!
Back at the Unit Mk IV for Strongman Saturday
Back at the Unit Mk IV for Strongman Saturday
Two months out from my next comp
Passing The Baton: Back To Work
Passing The Baton: Back To Work
I might not have goal is D1 for both of them along with genetically superior grandchildren.
Uncle Brett's Meet
Uncle Brett's Meet
Big meet and big thanks to Paul Oneid for helping out!!
Tabata's, Kettlebell Style! (w/video)
Tabata's, Kettlebell Style! (w/video)
4 min gruelling sets, try it, you may just get hooked.
Squatting and Coaching
Besides my last heavy deadlift session on Wednesday every other training session will be pretty moderate. My only plan going in to this workout was to feel better leaving than I did at the start of it. Warmup: I spend the first 10 or so minutes rolling an a lacrosse ball and foam rolling. Bar […]
Valentine's Day Back & Biceps
Valentine's Day Back & Biceps
Getting caught back up with my training log after an illness makes it's rounds in my household.
Max Effort Upper: Back In The Bench Shirt, But A Change of Plans....Again
Max Effort Upper: Back In The Bench Shirt, But A Change of Plans....Again
The Conjugate Monster Program; Wk 13, Day 2 - 2.12.17
Week 6 Day 4 - Off Season Training - Raw Squats with VIDEO....
Week 6 Day 4 - Off Season Training - Raw Squats with VIDEO....
“Don’t have $100.00 shoes and a 10 cent Squat” – Louie Simmons
Deload Week - Bench and Deads
Deload Week - Bench and Deads
Keeping things light this week.
Last Training Day at Colosseum Gym
Last Training Day at Colosseum Gym
But as a great machine once said, "I'll be back!"
Another Saturday at Elitefts
Another Saturday at Elitefts
speed squats at the S4 Compound
Jan 2017 recap
Jan 2017 recap
This was a little late. Better that than never.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Giving the gift of love, one day at a time!
Training Week Pt. II [2/6-2/12]
Training Week Pt. II [2/6-2/12]
End of the Training Week
Max Effort Lower: I'm Back Under The Bar!
Max Effort Lower: I'm Back Under The Bar!
The Conjugate Monster Program; Wk 13, Day 1 - 2.11.17
training 01.29.2017
training 01.29.2017
upper work

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