training 01.28.2017
training 01.28.2017
lower work
Front Squats and RDLs on Subsequent Days Make for DOMS
Front Squats and RDLs on Subsequent Days Make for DOMS
DOMs and fatigue are at an all time high, just at the right moment to build them omentum into a freight train into Apr 15
Wk8 Day1: Speed squats w/ wraps
Wk8 Day1: Speed squats w/ wraps
doing dynamic work with up sets and throwing wraps on is actually pretty fun
Strongman Saturday at Iron Athletics with an OG
Strongman Saturday at Iron Athletics with an OG
I firmly believe that WHO you train with is more important than where you train, what program you follow, or what equipment you have
Sumo Pulls and Light Bench - 5 Weeks Out - With Video
Sumo Pulls and Light Bench - 5 Weeks Out - With Video
Some light training and fun with dumbbell rows
Week 3 / Day 1 - Opening squat and potential second attempt
Week 3 / Day 1 - Opening squat and potential second attempt
Week 3 / Day 1 - squat opener and potential second attempt for the XPC clips included.
Training Week [2/6-2/12]
Training Week [2/6-2/12]
Training is going well! A few weeks post Physical Therapy, and everything is moving in the right direction.
Belt Squat
Belt Squat
Should be nice and fresh for some heavy ass pulls on Wednesday
Training Recap - 4 weeks out
Training Recap - 4 weeks out
Squats are feeling strong and looking strong(er)
Lower Assist
Lower Assist
We all train differently, doesn't make it wrong or incorrect.
OHP 5/3/1 and Multiply Squats
OHP 5/3/1 and Multiply Squats
When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
Taking Another Step Back
Taking Another Step Back
When I'm ready, I can make time for the gym again, whenever that may be.
I can still bench without the noodle
VIDEO: Week 12 Recap
VIDEO: Week 12 Recap
The Conjugate Monster Program
Growth Of The Sport
Growth Of The Sport
Quality over quantity
Strained Oblique and GF's Competition
Strained Oblique and GF's Competition
Arm hypertrophy and some very nice CGBP while in Virginia for the lady's PL meet!
Wk7 Day4: Incline press (lower intensity)
Wk7 Day4: Incline press (lower intensity)
Increased training max FINALLY and everything still feels great
Words of Wisdom from Skip Johns
Words of Wisdom from Skip Johns
Good advice from an awesome human being
How Far Are You Willing To Travel?
How Far Are You Willing To Travel?
Dr. Ken Kinakin is worth the drive, see for yourself!

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