Dynamic Effort Upper: Swiss Angle Bar Speed Bench, and Working with the Pec
The Conjugate Monster Program; Wk 12, Day - 2.10.17
Week 6 Day 3 - Off Season Training - Triceps, Back, Shoulders....
"Success is not a function of the size of your title but the richness of your contribution." - Robin S. Sharma
Bench Pressing from Last Week: Day 1 (265x8 / 335x1) Day 2 (5x3 w/ 240lbs)
Some adjustments to my secondary bench day format.
Squat (405x8 / 455x2) & Deadlift (460x8 / 595x1) and Some Raw Techni...
Joe recently completed a year of competition, equipped at XPC Finals to recently qualifying for USAPL Raw Nationals. Follow his training and log video series to learn how to program and adjust your training more effectively.
Last Trip to See Some Friends Before Moving Back Home
A wise donkey once sang, "Cause ya gotta have frieeeeeeeeeends..."
Main Bench and Light Squat - 5 Weeks Out - With Video
Training 5 weeks out from CPU Nationals and 10 weeks out from IPF worlds
Week 6 Day 2 - Off Season Training - Raw Squats....
"Without a struggle, there can be no progress." - Frederick Douglass
Bodybuilding Day: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps - Frustration
The Conjugate Monster Program; Wk 12, Day 5 - 2.8.17
Dynamic Effort Lower: Final Day of Box Jumps, and Extra Leg Work
The Conjugate Monster Program; Wk 12, Day 4 - 2.7.17
Last heavy Deadlift before the meet
My last heavy deadlift before the 21 deadlift salute at the Arnold.
Learning to Respect Differences
It is not someone's responsibility to explain themselves to you, it's your responsibility as a human to learn about people, ask questions, get to know someone etc.
Bodybuilding Day: Baby Got Back....and Biceps; and My Next Meet
The Conjugate Monster Program; Wk 12, Day 3 - 2.6.17