Week 6 Day 1 - Off Season Training - Chest, Tris....
Week 6 Day 1 - Off Season Training - Chest, Tris....
"Never give up, and be confident in what you do. There may be tough times, but the difficulties which you face will make you more determined to achieve your objectives and to win against all the odds." - Marta
Max Effort Lower: Coaching and Rehab
Max Effort Lower: Coaching and Rehab
The Conjugate Monster Program; Wk 12, Day 1 - 2.4.17
Main Deadlift and Light Bench - 6 Weeks out - With Video
Main Deadlift and Light Bench - 6 Weeks out - With Video
Training 6 weeks out from CPU Nationals and 11 weeks out from IPF worlds
upper assist
upper assist
Pump day.
Max Effort(ish) lower
Max Effort(ish) lower
4 weeks out from the 21 deadlift salute.
Kettlebell Tabata's, The Destroyer! (w/video's)
Kettlebell Tabata's, The Destroyer! (w/video's)
20 seconds on 10 seconds off, sounds pretty easy right?
Week 4 / Day 1 - Squat & Deadlift Training
Week 4 / Day 1 - Squat & Deadlift Training
Week 4 / Day 1 - squat & deadlift training for the XPC Finals with video
Wrapping Knees 101!
Wrapping Knees 101!
If you have ever wrapped knees you know it's hard work.
VIDEO: Week 11 Recap
VIDEO: Week 11 Recap
The Conjugate Monster Program
Week 5 Day 4 - Off Season Training - Legs....
Week 5 Day 4 - Off Season Training - Legs....
"There is no elevator to success. Only stairs." - Unknown
Flexible Dieting
Flexible Dieting
But for me, these little victories mean everything, and I'm going to celebrate every single one.
training 01.26.2017
training 01.26.2017
I need to get a plan....
training 01.25.2017
training 01.25.2017
lower volume
Wk7 Day1: Back #UnderTheBar
Wk7 Day1: Back #UnderTheBar
Small progression in adductor injury huge step in getting back to training and meet prep.
Squats + First good DL session in my suit
Squats + First good DL session in my suit
4 weeks out from the Arnold
Main Bench and Squat - 6 Weeks Out -With Video-
Main Bench and Squat - 6 Weeks Out -With Video-
Training 6 weeks out from CPU Nationals and 11 weeks out from IPF worlds
Training Week [1/31-2/5]
Training Week [1/31-2/5]
Training is going really well right now. Squat and Deadlift are showing good progress each week, and Bench is slowly starting to feel familiar again. No pain, staying on top of my rehab and mobility. All good!
Finally Figured Out The Suit, 4 Weeks Out (w/video)
Finally Figured Out The Suit, 4 Weeks Out (w/video)
500 lb Band tension at top I'm bound to rip a callus or two!
Hitting back and hams twice a week
Hitting back and hams twice a week
Gotta work for what builds a solid deadlift. It's going to get heavy!

Items 6201 to 6220 of 13402 total