Max Effort Upper: Reverse Light Band Benching, and I'm Back in the ...
The Conjugate Monster Program; Wk 10, Day 2 - 1.22.17
Wk5 Day1: 5RM and my back is done
that back tightness you get when something fire's off under a heavy squat to compensate for your mess up.
Quick Tips #1 - Team Nebobarbell - Bench-press Arch with VIDEO....
"Excellence is not a skill, it's an attitude." - Ralph Marston
Max Effort Lower/Rehab: Some Minor Leg Work and Purdue Barbell Visits
The Conjugate Monster Program; Wk 10, Day 1 - 1.21.17
YOLO Training Week[1/16-1/22]
"winging" my training this week-- receiving new training program/cycle next week! Starting to feel like a lifter again!
Week 6 / Day 1 - Squat Reload w/ video - #MAKINGGEARGREATAGAIN
Week 6 / Day 1 - Squat Reload w/ video - #MAKINGGEARGREATAGAIN
21 Deadlift Salute Arnold's Main Stage 6 Weeks Out!
Getting more confidence in my suit and feeling strong again!
Main Bench - 8 Weeks Out - With Video
Some singles and a rep out. 8 weeks out from CPU Nationals - 13 Weeks out from IPF Worlds