Bodybuilding Day: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps
Bodybuilding Day: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps
The Conjugate Monster Program; Wk 8, Day 4 - 1.11.17
This is the first time I've been legitimately sick in probably 8-10 years.  Like, flu, fever, all that jazz.  I spent 3 days laying in bed, only eating about 10 crackers.  Thank god for gatorade, because I have no idea how I would've survived.  I joke, kind of...but seriously. Wanna get small?  Just get sick. […]
training 01.01.2017
training 01.01.2017
New Year's Day means 2017 PR's??
Wk4 Day1: Reverse Bands AND wraps!?!?!?
Wk4 Day1: Reverse Bands AND wraps!?!?!?
How to wrap with EliteFTS Krait Wraps!
Toasted Like a Fine Brie
Toasted Like a Fine Brie
The week in review and my plan to make next week better
It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood When Tugging Goes Well
It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood When Tugging Goes Well
70 degrees in January makes for a beautiful day for training
Dynamic Effort Lower:  There Was None - Just A Leg Day
Dynamic Effort Lower: There Was None - Just A Leg Day
The Conjugate Monster Program; Wk 8, Day 4 - 1.10.17
A Bench Lift-Off from A Fellow Meathead Dream Teamer
A Bench Lift-Off from A Fellow Meathead Dream Teamer
You are a very convincing dragon
BodyBuilding Day: Back and Biceps
BodyBuilding Day: Back and Biceps
The Conjugate Monster Program; Wk 8, Day 3 - 1.9.17
Raw squats: 600x2
Raw squats: 600x2
Raw strength is coming back a little more each week
Noodle bench
Noodle bench
Upper back at Metroflex
Upper back at Metroflex
Cable lat pull through 4 sets of 20 Seated wide grip row 4 sets of 15 Pullups 3x10 cg 3x6 wide grip Seated plate loaded row 4 sets of 12 DB curls 4 sets of 6 Cable curls 4 sets of 12
XPC Finals week 7 Squats
XPC Finals week 7 Squats
My squat technique has to improve, and I think today was a big step toward fixing it.
XPC finals week 8 deads
XPC finals week 8 deads
This session was a grinder but I did what I needed to do...
XPC finals week 8 bench
XPC finals week 8 bench
Bench felt perfect tonight...
XPC finals week 8 squats
XPC finals week 8 squats
Decent squat day. Adjusting to heavier weights earlier this training cycle.
Mark Dugdale UGSS and 805 for Reps
Mark Dugdale UGSS and 805 for Reps
"Happiness is fleeting, but the relationships you have and the memories you build are not."
Mark Dugdale UGSS and more Deadlifts
Mark Dugdale UGSS and more Deadlifts
First heavy deadlift off the floor since October

Items 6421 to 6440 of 13402 total