~Week1~ Bench Press: 275x7 & Close Grip Incline Press: 225x8 (VIDEO)
Pressing with some new adjustments.
Upper Body Mobility Circuit-- 4 x per week
Trying to reduce shoulder pain and increase upper body strength!
Getting Fast(er) and Getting Crook(ed)
John Deere training philosophy: It's not how fast you move; it's how well you move fast. And also how fast you move.
Snap Crackle and Pop
overtime I see incline bench press prescribed in my workout I have many thought's of not coming in that day...
Week 10 / Day 3 - Upper Reload - Chest, Tri's and Shoulders
Week 9 / Day 3 - Upper Reload - Chest, Tri's and Shoulders w/ video clip and my mother crushes my ego.