10 Weeks Out Arnold's Deadlift Expo Lower!
10 Weeks Out Arnold's Deadlift Expo Lower!
Bigger glutes & hamstrings = bigger deadlift.
Log #7: Deep Tissue Massage Gone Bad
Log #7: Deep Tissue Massage Gone Bad
I suppose we are back to where I was 4 months ago.
Training for week of 12/26/2016
Training for week of 12/26/2016
Training with less weight-- but more efficient movement!
There's Gotta Be a Method To The Madness
There's Gotta Be a Method To The Madness
This is some pretty solid information regarding how to define your New Year resolution so you understand what your goals actually are so you can be SUCCESSFUL.
Looking ahead to 2017, the next closest competition in my mind will be grip in some form.
#6 2016 Reflections and Growth
#6 2016 Reflections and Growth
2016 Reflection
Santa's Sleigh Deadlift Simulator Training
Santa's Sleigh Deadlift Simulator Training
Just in case jolly old St. Nick needs a helping hand making his rounds tonight
Back in Town for Some Pre-Christmas Snatching
Back in Town for Some Pre-Christmas Snatching
Hitting what I missed while on vacation
VIDEO: Week 5 Recap
VIDEO: Week 5 Recap
The Conjugate Monster Program
First Days Back and Plans for 2017
First Days Back and Plans for 2017
Minimal rest, no bullshit, just work.
Dynamic Effort Upper: Speed Work and Back
Dynamic Effort Upper: Speed Work and Back
The Conjugate Monster Program; Wk 5, Day 7 - 12.23.16
Primary Back & Bi's
Primary Back & Bi's
Increased the weight and banded tension on a few exercises from last week; including some eccentric overload sets!
More Pain Free Benching of 405!
More Pain Free Benching of 405!
Setting up differently has been a life saver in regards to limiting pain in my arms when bench pressing. Now if only I can figure out shoulder mobility to help on squats.
Week 10 / Day 1 - Lower Reload .... machines, machines & machines
Week 10 / Day 1 - Lower Reload .... machines, machines & machines
Week 9 / Day 1 - Lower Reload w/ lots of machines
Bodybuilding Day: High Volume Quad Crushing
Bodybuilding Day: High Volume Quad Crushing
The Conjugate Monster Program; Wk 5, Day 6 - 12.22.16
training 12.11.2016
training 12.11.2016
some upper work
It has been a minute, here is why!
It has been a minute, here is why!
I lost today, I actually just dropped the weight in half, didn't even do my last two sets!!!
XPC finals week 10 bench
XPC finals week 10 bench
Fat bars, floor presses, reps
XPC finals week 10 squats
XPC finals week 10 squats
Squats are feeling good!

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