Log #5: Christmas Eve Gym Sesh and Holiday Things
Log #5: Christmas Eve Gym Sesh and Holiday Things
It's weird to think about how the holidays are already changing.
Christmas Miracle
Christmas Miracle
Not gonna lie, my patience post shoulder surgery has worn thin.
Week 11 / Day 3 - Bench Training in NM w/ video clip
Week 11 / Day 3 - Bench Training in NM w/ video clip
Week 10 / Day 3 - Bench Training in NM w/ video clip
Upper Speed X-Mas Eve Pump!
Upper Speed X-Mas Eve Pump!
So much to do today but no excuses, training must be done!
Behind The Scenes
Behind The Scenes
Dog lovers. You're welcome.
Wrapped Squats Are Very Difficult
Wrapped Squats Are Very Difficult
Gonna take some learning to get the so called "50-100lbs" out of wraps!
Main Squat - 12 Weeks out
Main Squat - 12 Weeks out
Going a little heavier every week since my back injury.
VIDEO: Week 4 Recap
VIDEO: Week 4 Recap
The Conjugate Monster Program
Joey Smith - 2016 IPA Champions of Champions Meet Results with VIDEO....
Joey Smith - 2016 IPA Champions of Champions Meet Results with VIDEO....
"Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment." - Jim Rohn
Deathlifts! 800x1
Deathlifts! 800x1
This thing has no limits
Primary Back and Biceps
Primary Back and Biceps
Experiencing some major lower back pain, but refusing to tap out on this workout!
Competition Write-Up
Competition Write-Up
How did Hope for the Holidays go?
Log #4: All of the Things
Log #4: All of the Things
2017 is going to be Tarra 2.0 and I cannot wait.
Christmas Kettlebell Challenge Round #4 (w/video)
Christmas Kettlebell Challenge Round #4 (w/video)
Ho Ho Ho, 10 Bells a swinging, 9 blisters tearing, 8 legs a wobbling, 7 Kettlebells rocking, 6 girls a panting, 5 finishers, 4 heavy bells, 3 close calls, 2 rounds of compounds and 1 psycho Coach!
Back home for the holidays.
Back home for the holidays.
Good to be home.
New Years Resolutions
New Years Resolutions
We don't believe you
Happy Surgery!
Happy Surgery!
This one is less gruesome.
Vacay "Training" in Sunny FL
Vacay "Training" in Sunny FL
Training at crappy gyms makes me fear for the future of humanity
Mix N' Match Events + OH
Mix N' Match Events + OH
First time flipping a flipping flipping tire since hurting my flipping knee
Dynamic Effort Upper: Speed Bench vs Chains, Back Work
Dynamic Effort Upper: Speed Bench vs Chains, Back Work
The Conjugate Monster Program; Wk 4, Day 7 - 12.16.16

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