Week 7, Day 2 - Log Clean & Press, Chest, Shoulders & Arms
Week 7, Day 2 - Log Clean & Press, Chest, Shoulders & Arms
4 Weeks Out from USS "Hope for the Holidays".
Week 7, Day 1 - Deadlifts & Back
Week 7, Day 1 - Deadlifts & Back
3 Weeks Out from "USS Hope for the Holidays"
Post Turkey Day PumpFest
Post Turkey Day PumpFest
Training on the road and finding hidden gym gems loaded with EliteFTS gear.
Benching Like I'm Supposed To
Benching Like I'm Supposed To
With 2 weeks of the academy left to go, I'm back to benching like I should be.
Primary Leg Training
Primary Leg Training
My lower back was really on edge today, but thankfully John's programming didn't make things worse.
Conventional Tuggin'
Conventional Tuggin'
Singles and high reps join forces for maximum DOMS.
Back and Abs
Back and Abs
11/19 training
training 11.12.2016
training 11.12.2016
600 raw squat...feels good.
training 11.10.2016
training 11.10.2016
incline for reps
training 11.09.2016
training 11.09.2016
wall squatting
Powerlifters? More like powderlifters.
Monday Monkey Business!
Monday Monkey Business!
Stop monkeying around and get utilizing those Kettlebells for more than just a door stop.
Down With The Sickness
Down With The Sickness
Ever have those days where you're just really not feeling well, but you go to the gym anyway?
Bench/Blood Flow Work
Bench/Blood Flow Work
Thompson Fat Bell takeover.
PT Week 7
PT Week 7
Day 1: Squat 270lb x 5 x 3 sets across Bench Press 165lb x 3 reps x 5 sets across Barbell Good Morning warm up to 105lb x 10 reps x 3 sets Seated Row 8 reps @ RPE 6,7,8 (+2 repeats) Forearm Plank +25lb on back 3 sets x 30 sec Day 2: Deadlift WITH belt […]
Lower Training - attempting to squat
Lower Training - attempting to squat
Lower Training - still not ready to go
Sunday Spent, Living, Learning, Passing On!
Sunday Spent, Living, Learning, Passing On!
When you coach do you teach technique?
training 11.06.2016
training 11.06.2016
working on lockout
training 11.05.2016
training 11.05.2016
low box squats

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