Arnold Prep Week 1 Day 4 Squats
Arnold Prep Week 1 Day 4 Squats
squat day training
Single ply and pedis
Single ply and pedis
Best super set ever!
training 11.03.2016
training 11.03.2016
upper volume
training 11.02.2016
training 11.02.2016
More Dimel deads
Sketchy Squats at Snap Fitness
Sketchy Squats at Snap Fitness
Raw squats heaviest set of 4 without belt one more set of 4 with belt Leg pres heaviest set of 15 Leg ext 4 sets of 12 Abductor machine 4 sets of 12 abs 4 sets of 12
Awe Snap, Fitness Bench training
Awe Snap, Fitness Bench training
DB 30's 4 sets Bench heaviest set of 4 Machine Press stack for 12 Floor db press heaviest set of 12 Cable press down 4 sets of 12 Single arm pressdown 4 sets of 12 Abs 4 sets of 12
Oh the Pain, I have Missed You
Oh the Pain, I have Missed You
This is why we stay ahead of the pain
Leap of Faith, From Moderate weight to Heavy As Hell
Leap of Faith, From Moderate weight to Heavy As Hell
That moment when you unknowingly have someone make you take a 75lb jump...
Post Shoulder Surgery Week
Post Shoulder Surgery Week
I did ask him at this point in the game if he felt like his injury was worth it in terms of the price to be paid. I've been struggling with that nagging question, most likely because I'm exhausted & frustrated. I respected his answer.
I always hate to see loss of progress but it's a natural consequence when your training stinks.
Main Deadlift - More Sumo Pulls
Main Deadlift - More Sumo Pulls
Working on sumo pulls
Sometimes I Get Really Wonderful, Awful Ideas
Sometimes I Get Really Wonderful, Awful Ideas
It's my inner Grinch fighting to get out
Bodybuilding Day: Legs
Bodybuilding Day: Legs
The Conjugate Monster Program; Wk 1, Day 6 - 11.24.16
Last squat before the meet
Last squat before the meet
Thank god because I feel like dog shit...
Last DL before the meet
Last DL before the meet
I put my suit on because all the cool kids were doing it...and it was just a little easier on my hips.
Squat and assistance
Squat and assistance
Worked up to opener/last warm up
Back to back bench days
Back to back bench days
Opener/second attempt and last warm up 4 days apart, not on purpose.
Friday Night Benching
Friday Night Benching
Fresh off a deload + Boomstick = fast and pain free benching
Deficit Deads and Box Squats
Deficit Deads and Box Squats
Two exercises that I haven't done a lot of in the past few years.
Dynamic Effort Lower: Cambered Bar Speed Squats, Speed Pulls, and Volume Work
Dynamic Effort Lower: Cambered Bar Speed Squats, Speed Pulls, and Volume...
The Conjugate Monster Program; Wk 1, Day 5 - 11.23.16

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