Mixing Up the Back Attack
Mixing Up the Back Attack
Bustin' out some moves that I haven't done in a while.
Part 1 of this special series, here are my top 101 Kettlebell exercises, your welcome.
Bodybuilding Day: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps
Bodybuilding Day: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps
The Conjugate Monster Program; Wk 1, Day 4 - 11.22.16
Lifetime Raw Clean PR & Writeup/Video of MD Strongest Man 2016
Lifetime Raw Clean PR & Writeup/Video of MD Strongest Man 2016
The loud(er) I get, the strong(er) I get
Bodybuilding Day: Back and Biceps
Bodybuilding Day: Back and Biceps
The Conjugate Monster Program; Wk 1, Day 3 - 11.21.16
Random things I've been up to.
Week 6, Day 3 - Lower Body
Week 6, Day 3 - Lower Body
4 Weeks out from "USS Hope for the Holidays".
Week 6, Day 2 -  Log Clean & Press, Chest, Shoulders & Arms
Week 6, Day 2 - Log Clean & Press, Chest, Shoulders & Arms
4 Weeks out from USS "Hope for the Holidays".
Thanksgiving Pressin' and Farts While Squattin'
Thanksgiving Pressin' and Farts While Squattin'
When those Thanksgiving meals try to burst out of you while squatting.
Arnold Prep Week 1 Day 1
Arnold Prep Week 1 Day 1
First day of meet prep for the 2017 Arnold classic
Max Effort Upper: Incline Benching and Tricep Pump
Max Effort Upper: Incline Benching and Tricep Pump
The Conjugate Monster Program; Wk 1, Day 2 - 11.20.16
Max Effort Lower: SSB, Briefs, Legs
Max Effort Lower: SSB, Briefs, Legs
The Conjugate Monster Program; Wk 1, Day 1 - 11.19.16
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Gobble Gobble bitches!
1st Bench Post World's !
1st Bench Post World's !
A 12-week prep begins for the Arnold's main stage deadlift expo — reaching the goal of a 500-pound pull! She's excited to start a new program after a month break from the WPC World's. Sheri is also registered for the Women's Pro-am, April 22, 2017. Follow her blog for training updates. She's going after her pro total this time!
Deathlifts: BAD!
Deathlifts: BAD!
Big Ass Deficit
Week 7 Day 4 - Multiply Squat with VIDEO....
Week 7 Day 4 - Multiply Squat with VIDEO....
“Believe and act as if it were impossible to fail.” - Charles Kettering
Uncle Brett back from the dead!
Uncle Brett back from the dead!
No one knew where he was on Saturday. He was dead. Then came back to life for deadlifts!
Bench and Deadlift Work Sets w/ Singles
Bench and Deadlift Work Sets w/ Singles
Slowly increasing the weight...

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