My First Day In Gear
My First Day In Gear
Maybe, just maybe, someday I will switch over to the dark side.
Chest, Shoulders & Triceps
Chest, Shoulders & Triceps
A variety tonight with band, chain and rep variations.
What Exactly Is A Kettlebell?
What Exactly Is A Kettlebell?
Kettlebell, not Kettleball or Kettleboobie, get it straight people.
Main Squat - Getting back into it
Main Squat - Getting back into it
It feels good to be training again
The First of Many...VLOG1
The First of Many...VLOG1
Update on lifting and life
Not Recovered Yet, But Tugging Anyway
Not Recovered Yet, But Tugging Anyway
Even though I sucked today, at least I know why and how and I still made progress
Reverse Ladder Kettlebell Compound Craziness!
Reverse Ladder Kettlebell Compound Craziness!
38 reps of this, 38 reps of that and reverse ladder compounds, what a birthday bash rush.
Deadlift opener. Video
Deadlift opener. Video
Openers finished
Why is it when squats and deads go up, bench goes down?
Hips and glutes where have you been?
Metroflex Fargo: Triceps
Metroflex Fargo: Triceps
21min cardio Cable pressdown 5 sets of 30 Skullz heaviest set of 8 Plate loaded dip machine heaviest set of 10 Rope pressdown Abs 4 sets of 15
Marshall is in meet prep for the UPA Spring Showdown in March of 2017. He's placing a heavy emphasis on the deadlift as you'll see in his training. He's going for a competition trifecta this year in raw, single-ply, and multi-ply.
Deficit Deadlift & Front Squat Videos
Deficit Deadlift & Front Squat Videos
Deficit Deadlift and Front Squat Work.
Primary Legs
Primary Legs
From fasting to massive quad pump today!
training 10.30.2016
training 10.30.2016
Elevated Floor Press
Q: What Do I Follow Up My 5th Win at Maryland's Strongest Man With?
Q: What Do I Follow Up My 5th Win at Maryland's Strongest Man With?
A: Spitting in my own face while benching.
Main Bench - Getting back into it
Main Bench - Getting back into it
Back to benching with my feet down
Bench Opener. Video
Bench Opener. Video
opener week
All the Low Back Pump's
All the Low Back Pump's
14 sets, 56 rep's later, ok the program say's do good-morning's.... WHAT?!?!

Items 6941 to 6960 of 13402 total