Heavier Singles on Bench and Beat Up Hips
Heavier Singles on Bench and Beat Up Hips
Taking it easy on the pulling this week, but beginning to push the numbers for bench.
My last post as an elitefts.com athlete!
My last post as an elitefts.com athlete!
Thanks to everyone who has followed me thus far, looking forward to bigger and better!
I Hate Incline bench press
I Hate Incline bench press
Tweaked my back AGAIN on monday, still was able to get it in today
Swinging The Blues Away!
Swinging The Blues Away!
Dealing with grief takes it's toll. Kettlebells are a great stress relief for me, everyone has to find their way.
Project Lean Out!
Project Lean Out!
Next project will be.....drum roll please!
Angry Benching
Angry Benching
Nothing makes a bad day go away like some fast paced benching.
Random Training - 11.11.16
Shoulders and Arms
Shoulders and Arms
Random Training - 11.10.16
Triceps at Metroflex
Triceps at Metroflex
15min of cardio Plate loaded dip machine 5 sets of 20 Skullz 4 sets of 12 Cable pressdown 4 sets of 15 Single arm cable pressdown 4 sets of 20 Abs 4 sets of 20
Monday Shoulders at EHOP
Monday Shoulders at EHOP
DB 30's -side/rear/front 10 reps each -4 sets Standing overhead press 5 sets of 12 Stand overhead db press 4 sets of 12 Side delt raise 4 sets of 15 Abs 4 sets of 15
Stephanie finishes her bikini deadlift video!
Stephanie finishes her bikini deadlift video!
This will definitely "lift" your spirits!
Bring on the Deload!
Bring on the Deload!
I haven't been this excited for a deload since the Arnold.
300 Series, Part Two!
300 Series, Part Two!
Kettlebells bring out the animal in me.
Chest, Shoulders & Triceps
Chest, Shoulders & Triceps
A little Meadows programming, sprinkled with some of my own ideas today!
Log Clean & Press Video
Log Clean & Press Video
3rd set of 2 @ 280, followed by 265 x 8.
Upper Training - bench and back
Upper Training - bench and back
Upper Training - that was a nasty sandwich...
It's Time To Take My Foot Off the Gas...
It's Time To Take My Foot Off the Gas...
I'm burning at both ends, and it's about time I admit it.
W9D2 - Academy Training - Back Accessory
W9D2 - Academy Training - Back Accessory
Nothing but the basics.
W9D1 - Academy Training - Squat/DL
W9D1 - Academy Training - Squat/DL
Powerlifting 101, Lesson 1 - avoid movements that aggravate pre-existing injuries.

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