Killing Conventional, Stiffly Struggling
adding band's to a normal style deadlift, FINE. Adding band's to a stiff leg deadlift, COME ON!
Week 5, Day 2 - Log Clean & Press, Chest, Shoulders & Arms
I'm currently training for USS "Hope for the Holidays" strongman push/pull competition in December. I'm working with Mike Mastell and training focus is strength with some hypertrophy emphasis. 11.12.16 Log Clean & Press 5 sets of 3 @ 270 250x8 250x6 Flat DB Bench Press 1 set of 6 w/105s 3 sets of 6 […]
PT Week 5
Day 1: Squat 215lb x 5 x 3 sets across Bench Press 157.5lb x 3 reps x 5 sets across Barbell Good Morning warm up to 85lb x 10 reps x 3 sets Seated Row 10 reps @ RPE 6,7,8 (+2 repeats) Forearm Plank +10lb on back 4 sets x 30 sec Day 2: Deadlift […]
What's Next?! The Conjugate Monster
My plans and how my current training will be laid out moving forward. Enter the Conjugate Monster.
Week 4, Day 3 - Deficit Deadlifts, Front Squats (Video) & More Lower
6 Weeks Out USS "Hope for the Holidays".
Week 4, Day 2 - Log Clean & Press (Video), Chest, Shoulders & Arms
6 Weeks Out from USS "Hope for the Holiday's".
Why my training has been shit the past two weeks...
I'm proud, I'm tired, I'm ready to get back to smashing weights again....more so just recovering properly.
Sunday squat
Hit the wall today. I need to get back on track with recovery after the past couple weeks of stress at work.