Updates from Past 2 Weeks - Minor Injury, Conferences/Seminars, and 7 We...
Updates on Injury, Training, and Seminars
Pressing Improvement, But Not Fast Enough For My Liking
Do not forgo training due to finely ground silicate all up in your britches
Week 1: PT Training
"Training"-- i.e. figuring out how I'm moving, and how I can move better/pain free
Physical Therapy: Road to Recovery
Warm up for each session: Warm up 5 min on machine + shoulder and hip mobility (not the exercises). Before squat/deadlift do 10 reps x 3 sets empty barbell GM/RDL Stop any exercise if back/shoulder/hip/knee pain exceeds more than baseline. Day 1: Squat +10lb x 5 reps x 3 sets Bench Press +2.5lb x 5 reps […]
Max Effort Deadlift
I know that's still not a great pull, but it was progress, and I was stoked about it. I did feel as though more weight would have caused me to drop, But since I was losing my grip with 625 not too long ago, this was still optimistic.
Primary Legs
I focused a bit more on hamstrings today as my previous secondary leg session focused on quads.