My Current Nutrition
My Current Nutrition
My Current Nutrition set up.
Week 3, Day 3 - Deficit Deadlifts & Lower Body
Week 3, Day 3 - Deficit Deadlifts & Lower Body
7 Weeks Out USS "Hope for the Holidays".
Week 3, Day 1 - Deadlifts & Back (w/Video)
Week 3, Day 1 - Deadlifts & Back (w/Video)
7 Weeks Out USS "Hope for the Holiday's".
Strongman Saturday on Opening Day at Iron Strong CF
Strongman Saturday on Opening Day at Iron Strong CF
Already the strong(est) gym on the Delmarva Peninsula
DE Lower: Speed Squats and Mini Circa-Max Week (w/VIDEO)
DE Lower: Speed Squats and Mini Circa-Max Week (w/VIDEO)
WPC World's Meet Prep; Wk 10, Day 3 - 10.25.16
A Day Off
A Day Off
I combined 2 workouts into one.
Sunday deads
Sunday deads
My conventional pull is a ways behind my sumo at this point...
Post Colonoscopy Pump
W8D3 - Bench - Academy Training
W8D3 - Bench - Academy Training
Heavy tempo benching continues to make me feel like less of a man, week after week.
W8D2 - Back Accessory - Academy Training
W8D2 - Back Accessory - Academy Training
Trying to get some bat wings in the absence of benching
training 10.27.2016
training 10.27.2016
upper accessory
training 10.23.2016
training 10.23.2016
Elevated floor press
training 10.22.2016
training 10.22.2016
Pit Shark!
10.15 through 10.21.2016
10.15 through 10.21.2016
phones off, no internet and just quality time together
training 10.12.2016
training 10.12.2016
need to improve the pull
Upper Training - Heavy Bench Day
Upper Training - Heavy Bench Day
Upper Training - Heavy Bench w/ video clip
Combining Training
Combining Training
Speed squats and deficits.
Final Upper Pump Day
Final Upper Pump Day
WPC World's Meet Prep; Week 10, Mini Session 1 - 10.24.16

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