Dynamic Effort Upper: Speed Bench Press vs Chains and Back Accessory
Off Season Training; Week 2, Day 5 - 9.13.19
Last Week of NOT DE Lower. And DE Upper
Also my CBDebacle (CBD=Causing Bizarro Dreams) (They are weird) (Reader Beware). Also did you know according to my dreams Benjamin Franklin invented stairs and before that people would just jump/fall down several stories of buildings through holes? Oh also that is a normal dream, not one of the weird dreams.
Bench Accessories and Upper Body Fluff
Week 2, Day 4 - Upper body accessories and 2nd bench day at Powerhouse.
NOT DE Lower and Actual DE Upper
AKA the "rolls off the tongue name" Sub Max Using Dynamic Effort Set And Rep Scheme
Why I Took Some Time Off From Training
Taking time off is never what you want, but some times it's what the doctor calls.