Broken back (lower) so upper pump, right?
Broken back (lower) so upper pump, right?
No need to skip an upper body pump day just cause your low back want's to be a little B***H. The pump is the cure ... right?
Bench Opener In Place 3 Weeks Out World's!
Bench Opener In Place 3 Weeks Out World's!
Confident with my bench opener 11 months post shoulder surgery.
Bench/Floor Presses
Bench/Floor Presses
When I first started powerlifting, my goal was just to get a plate on the bar. Now I'm headed for two.
Leg Training
Leg Training
Slightly lower volume, but the intensity techniques made for a great workout and massive pump!
Quick Picks for the Week 10/9/16
Quick Picks for the Week 10/9/16
Another good week of knowledge.
Recovery Day
Recovery Day
Only takes 30 min to feel brand new.
Week 3 Day 3 - Rehab, Mobility and Supplemental Training....
Week 3 Day 3 - Rehab, Mobility and Supplemental Training....
"First, have a definite, clear practical ideal; a goal, an objective. Second, have the necessary means to achieve your ends; wisdom, money, materials, and methods. Third, adjust all your means to that end." - Aristotle
Deadlift Day 3 Weeks Out WPC Worlds!
Deadlift Day 3 Weeks Out WPC Worlds!
Deadlift variety, sumo, conventional, stiff-legged and Dimels.
Raw Raw Squats and Deadlifts!
Raw Raw Squats and Deadlifts!
Keeping it simple, stupid.
Week 3 Bench
Week 3 Bench
Bench Training
Upper Reload Training
Upper Reload Training
Upper Reload Training w/ DB work
Week 3 Day 2 - Deadlift Training with VIDEO....
Week 3 Day 2 - Deadlift Training with VIDEO....
"The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why." - Mark Twain
Rehab squatting
Rehab squatting
Fast and hard. Like me in bed (more fast than hard)
I Like to Bring The Bar to My Crotch When I Bench
I Like to Bring The Bar to My Crotch When I Bench
Lowering the bar to your hooha is the bench press equivalent of doing one c*ck pushup
Speed bench and accessory
Speed bench and accessory
Last week ended with an accessory workout on Wednesday and a speed bench workout on Friday.
Sunday zerchers
Sunday zerchers
band tension is the devil...this was just silly
Deadlifts and broken backs
Deadlifts and broken backs
Everyone's big scare during one of the main lift's.
Thursday squats
Thursday squats
band tension is the devil
Monday Kettlebell Metabolic Mayhem!
Monday Kettlebell Metabolic Mayhem!
Nothing like a bunch of swingers on a Monday night, 8 of us to be exact.
Raw Nationals Meet Recap
Raw Nationals Meet Recap
Rough Meet-- but did my job!

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