Upper Training - Viking viking presses w/ video
*treadmill Viking press 45 x 10 90 x 10 135 x 8 180 x 5 225 x 3 270 x 3 305 x 3 315 x 3 180 x 20 180 x 15 DB Lateral 30 x 10 x 3 Rope Pressdown 90 x 10 x 2 105 x 10 x 2 Viking helmet brought […]
Lower Training - Trap Bar Deadlifts w/ video
Lower Training - Trap Bar deadlifts up to 525 with Video
Light Deadlifts
For those new to my training log, I only train heavy deadlifts every other week under Steve Goggins programming. We do this to keep my body healthy and injury free,
Week 2 Day 4 - Squat Training with VIDEO....
You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore. - Christopher Columbus
DE Lower: Speed Squats, Heaviest Deadlift of Meet Prep - It's Comin...
WPC World's Meet Prep; Wk 8, Day 3 - 10.11.16
Reppin' out on squats!
The past four year's I have never in my life taken a heavy load and done more than three to four reps with it. My coach decided to shake things up and have me go for NINE!
W6D1 - Academy Training - Squat / DL
More of the same - "waistband" deadlifts and cambered bar convulsions.
W5D3 - Academy Training - Shoulder/Arm Accessory
Squeezed in an awesome pump up session between class.
W5D2 - Academy Training - Bench
It appears that I'm holding onto my strength better than my mind is making me believe I am
W5D1 - Academy Training - Squat / DL
Lower body workouts are continuing to go well despite the weight loss.
Relentless Detroit: Squats 1150revband
Casey Williams has been helping me navigate through the last 3 weeks of training while trying to work around some elbow tendinitis. This was one of two squat nights left. Now all that is left is my opener in two weeks. I was having a lot of trouble with our revband set up. Its the […]
Squats: 435x5 (rep PR) 475x3, 500x2 / 10 weeks from next meet (VIDEO)
Rep PR followed by a few sets getting back into wraps - 10 weeks out.