Hook Grip Pulling, and Some Big Strapped Pulls 725x3
Hook Grip Pulling, and Some Big Strapped Pulls 725x3
Still a battle with deadlifts, but making progress. The thumb just looks like ground beef right now, so it's making holding onto the bar pretty difficult.
Messy Deads. Video
Messy Deads. Video
Some days hit you hard.
ME Lower: Squat Opener and Squats vs Chains (w/VIDEO)
ME Lower: Squat Opener and Squats vs Chains (w/VIDEO)
WPC World's Meet Prep; Wk 7, Day 1 - 10.1.16
Week 8 Day 1 - 4 - Deload Week....
Week 8 Day 1 - 4 - Deload Week....
This stuff is just as important....
The results
The results
Here are the stats
What a meet!
What a meet!
I got so much to talk about
Week 4 Offseason Training Upper and Lower Main Days
Week 4 Offseason Training Upper and Lower Main Days
Slightly dropping volume and slowly adding weight.
Upper Assist. Video
Upper Assist. Video
Moving right along.
Unlearning and Relearning
Unlearning and Relearning
When it starts getting hard, why do we become amateurs?
Lower Training - Cambered Bar Squats w/ Video
Lower Training - Cambered Bar Squats w/ Video
Lower Training with Cambered Bar Squats vs. Chains w/ Video
When Just Getting Set Makes You Want to Black Out...
When Just Getting Set Makes You Want to Black Out...
...you know your suit is almost tight enough.
Max Lower Deadlifts 5 Weeks Out Worlds Prep!
Max Lower Deadlifts 5 Weeks Out Worlds Prep!
Finally, all three lifts feeling great, 5 weeks tomorrow I step on the platform with over 800 lifters from across the globe!
Lower Deload !
Lower Deload !
Belt squat till you drop, then add some bands.
Bench Press: 295x5, 350x1 (VIDEO) / 12 Weeks Away from Next Meet
Bench Press: 295x5, 350x1 (VIDEO) / 12 Weeks Away from Next Meet
Slowly increasing what I can press in a fatigued state after my work sets.
The Peak Begins: Percentage Based Squats
The Peak Begins: Percentage Based Squats
The peak begins with some percentage based squats.
Lower Assist. Video
Lower Assist. Video
Feeling worn out and old.

Items 7361 to 7380 of 13402 total