Thursday squats
Thursday squats
Casey Williams was exposed to some powerlifting in high school as an off-season for football, but it wasn’t until he finished his football career and degree at Bucknell University that he committed to the sport. Since then he hasn’t looked back. In 2012 at the IPA Nationals he broke the all-time world record drug tested raw squat and total in
Conditioning / Volume Day 4
Conditioning / Volume Day 4
the biggest upper body pump ever
Conditioning / Volume Day 3
Conditioning / Volume Day 3
All the quads, and then some
Knee surgery follow up
Knee surgery follow up
Well. That is not what I wanted to hear.
Relentless Detroit: More squats up to 900lbs
Relentless Detroit: More squats up to 900lbs
Squats 900x1 -metal jack canvas -3m patriot wraps Humper 4 sets of 12 as fast as possible GHR 4 sets of 12 Reverse hyper 4 sets of 12 Abs 4 sets of 8
Quick Picks for the Week 9/25/16
Quick Picks for the Week 9/25/16
A Good Week of Learning.
Mass Building Phase Week 3 Days 3&4 - Final Week
Mass Building Phase Week 3 Days 3&4 - Final Week
Last accessory workout of the phase. Excited to start the next progression in my off season training.
Relentless Detroit: Bench
Relentless Detroit: Bench
Bench 430 raw 715 touch in metal ace pro Floor press on humper 4 sets of 12 Cable pressdown 4 sets of 12 Abs 4 sets of 8
Trying to get Healthy-- Spinning Plates
Trying to get Healthy-- Spinning Plates
Sometimes you feel broken, but then you get to learn how to fix yourself and avoid making the same mistakes
Physical Therapy & Upper Training - More Viking Presses w/ Video
Physical Therapy & Upper Training - More Viking Presses w/ Video
Upper Training with 300# Viking Presses and video
Mass Building Week 3 Days 1&2 - Final Week of Phase
Mass Building Week 3 Days 1&2 - Final Week of Phase
Final week of the mass building phase. This was an awesome way to switch up training for me.
White Men CAN Jump, But Maybe They Shouldn't
White Men CAN Jump, But Maybe They Shouldn't
My assistance day is gradually turning into a weightlifting day
DE Upper: Swiss Bar Work and Back (w/VIDEO)
DE Upper: Swiss Bar Work and Back (w/VIDEO)
WPC World's Meet Prep; Wk 6, Day 4 - 9.29.16
W4D3 - Academy Training - Bench
W4D3 - Academy Training - Bench
I'm beginning to settle into the daily routine of the academy, and seeing how I can fit more workouts in. The future looks bright.
W4D1 and D2 - Squat/DL and Back Accessory
W4D1 and D2 - Squat/DL and Back Accessory
Even though I'm getting paid to do it, withering away at the academy sorta sucks!
W3D2 - Academy Training - Bench
W3D2 - Academy Training - Bench
September 18 - Bench 5 Second Eccentric Bench Press Worked up to 380 8x2. I gotta admit, the last few sets were really freakin' humbling. Heavy tempo work ain't no joke! Incline DB Bench 100's x 12 115's x 12 125's x 10 130's x 8 - went off the prescribed rep range a little, […]

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