Max Effort Bench
Max Effort Bench
So I decided to work up in the Metal catapult to protect my ams somewhat.
Day Two Conditioning / Volume
Day Two Conditioning / Volume
no tricep fiber was left behind
Upper Speed With New Hot Rod!
Upper Speed With New Hot Rod!
One way to build a bigger bench, The Shoulder Saver™ is arguably the best bench builder on the market.
Heaviest Pause Squats I've Ever Done 690x3, 700x3
Heaviest Pause Squats I've Ever Done 690x3, 700x3
Yeah. It's getting serious, and despite the hatred and the smack talk from a bunch of unaware assholes, I'm still going to fuck some days up.
Slow and Steady Progress on Split Jerks
Slow and Steady Progress on Split Jerks
Andy Deck has been involved in strongman since 2005 and is a veteran of 38 competitions including 9 national competitions, 3 international competitions, and 8 pro competitions with thirteen 1st place finishes, ten 2nd place finishes, and seven 3rd place finishes. He has an MS in Applied Physiology with a focus on strength and conditioning and will be starting physical
Shoulder and Chest Pump
Shoulder and Chest Pump
WPC World's Meet Prep; Week 6, Mini Session 1 - 9.26.16
Relentless Detroit: Bi's/chest
Relentless Detroit: Bi's/chest
Preacher machine curl 5 sets of 20 DB curl 4 sets of 8 Standing straight bar curl 4 sets of 10 Hammer press 5 sets of 20 Pec deck 4 sets of 15
Relentless Detroit: Shoulders/tri's
Relentless Detroit: Shoulders/tri's
DB Delt 30's 4 sets Standing OHP 275x4 Standing one arm db OHP 100'sx10 Side raise 4x15 Tricep pressdown 4 sets of 20 JM press 4 sets of 8 Different cable pressdown variation 4 sets of 12 abs
First Day Back Training "Off Season" day1
First Day Back Training "Off Season" day1
New coaching, programming, new lesson's to learn!
Week off and getting caught up in life and fun
Week off and getting caught up in life and fun
Pizza, Beer, Whiskey, and goats!!!
Grateful for my teammates and support system.
Same old same old.
First time after the repair surgery I've benched with no pain. Chiropractic medicine is magic.
Training 08.31.2016
Training 08.31.2016
Dips and Chins...yes!
Post Meet non-training
Post Meet non-training
Cycling down...
Upper Training - another bench battle w/ video
Upper Training - another bench battle w/ video
Upper training bench battle with Exson and video

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