DE Lower: The Not So Dynamic Day - SSB Squats and Deficit Pulls vs Chain...
WPC World's Meet Prep; Wk 6, Day 3 - 9.27.16
Upper Speed With New Hot Rod!
One way to build a bigger bench, The Shoulder Saver™ is arguably the best bench builder on the market.
Heaviest Pause Squats I've Ever Done 690x3, 700x3
Yeah. It's getting serious, and despite the hatred and the smack talk from a bunch of unaware assholes, I'm still going to fuck some days up.
Slow and Steady Progress on Split Jerks
Andy Deck has been involved in strongman since 2005 and is a veteran of 38 competitions including 9 national competitions, 3 international competitions, and 8 pro competitions with thirteen 1st place finishes, ten 2nd place finishes, and seven 3rd place finishes. He has an MS in Applied Physiology with a focus on strength and conditioning and will be starting physical
Relentless Detroit: Bi's/chest
Preacher machine curl 5 sets of 20 DB curl 4 sets of 8 Standing straight bar curl 4 sets of 10 Hammer press 5 sets of 20 Pec deck 4 sets of 15
Relentless Detroit: Shoulders/tri's
DB Delt 30's 4 sets Standing OHP 275x4 Standing one arm db OHP 100'sx10 Side raise 4x15 Tricep pressdown 4 sets of 20 JM press 4 sets of 8 Different cable pressdown variation 4 sets of 12 abs
Week 7 Day 1 - Off Season Training - Multiply Bench-Press with VIDEO....
Felt good to hold some weight again....
First time after the repair surgery I've benched with no pain. Chiropractic medicine is magic.