Floor Presses
Floor Presses
When you have to feed your ego.
Upper max bench. Video
Upper max bench. Video
Mental strength is the game changer.
Thursday Chest pump
Thursday Chest pump
Warm up on press machine 5 sets of 30 DB press 150's x12 Seated hammer press heavy sets of 12 Pec deck 4 sets of 20 Tricep press down single arm 4 sets of 20 Over head ext 4 sets of 8 Cable pressdown 4 sets of 12
Wednesday Squats
Wednesday Squats
I always feel ready to squat again right after a meet. I am in no hurry to bench or pull though. Safety Bar squats 525x2x4 Bandbell E-maxx bar squat 4 sets of 8 Humper 4 sets of 12 Reverse Hyper 4 sets of 12
Tuesday MetroFlex'n arms
Tuesday MetroFlex'n arms
Preacher machine 4 sets of 15 Seated db curl 4 sets of 10 Machine curl 4 sets of 20 Lat pulldown 4 sets of 20 Rope lat pull through 4 sets of 12 Chest supported row 4 sets of 10
Monday shoulder pump
Monday shoulder pump
DB 30's 10 reps rear 10 reps side 10 reps front -4 sets Db seated press 4 sets of 12 Seated overhead press with Bandbell E-maxx bar 4 sets of 10 Db side raise 4 sets of 12
Nothing Fancy Lower Training
Nothing Fancy Lower Training
Nothing fancy lower training
Bench Press: 310x4 & 345x1 (Video) / Starting to Pause All Reps
Bench Press: 310x4 & 345x1 (Video) / Starting to Pause All Reps
Switching to Pause Benches moving forward.
Mass Building Week 2 Days 3&4
Mass Building Week 2 Days 3&4
Mixing two workouts into one big workout. Supersets galore.
I've Got Blisters on Me Fingers!
I've Got Blisters on Me Fingers!
Naw, not really, but my hands sure do hurt like a S.O.B.
DE Upper: Speedy Bench, Close Grip [PR], Back (w/VIDEO)
DE Upper: Speedy Bench, Close Grip [PR], Back (w/VIDEO)
WPC World's Meet Prep; Wk 4, Day 4 - 9.15.16
Leg Volume
Leg Volume
WPC World's Meet Prep; Week 4, Mini Session 2 - 9.14.16
Max Upper World's Prep 7 Weeks Out! (w/video)
Max Upper World's Prep 7 Weeks Out! (w/video)
PR bench post shoulder surgery and slowly creeping back to the 200 lb club.
Upper Training - Bench battle with Exson and video
Upper Training - Bench battle with Exson and video
Upper Training - bench battle with Exson and video
Heavier and Heavier Pause Squats! 665x3x4 sets
Heavier and Heavier Pause Squats! 665x3x4 sets
Getting bigger and badder and better
Main Squat - 8 Weeks out
Main Squat - 8 Weeks out
Training for Ontario Provincials
Lower assistance. Video
Lower assistance. Video
Training with a purpose.
Structured training is back
Structured training is back
Feeling good. Train's rollin...

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