Mass Building Week 1 Day 3&4 Upper/Lower Accessories
Keeping it light with a nice pump. Flushing my muscles with some fresh blood.
Week 6 Day 1 - Off Season Training - Floor Press
CG Fatbar Floor Press 1 x bar - 3 1 x 135 - 3 1 x 225 - 3 1 x 315 - 3 1 x 405 - 4 OHP on Machine 5 x 50 Banded Lat Pull 5 x 15 Pec Dec 5 x 12 Overhead DB Triceps Ext 5 x 30 Abs
WPC World's Prep 7 Weeks Out!
Max effort lower, back in the 400 club with the ugliest deadlift I have ever pulled.
Earning My Regrets!
All summer long, let's do this, let's do that. Next thing you know summer is over, go out and earn your regrets.
Friday Morning Bell Busters!
Progressions were such a hit Monday night we did a repeat! Everyone likes a little progress right?
The Amount of Focus Needed to Re-Learn at High Speed... far more than that needed to learn it originally
Pressing Reps from this Past Week / Bench Press: 275x10 & OHP: 175x9...
Rep work from this past week (Monday & Thursday)
Sumo Deads
It's not about being a reckless meathead, it's about a meathead that wants to last in this sport.
Wk 13 Water Cut
Thus far this has been a difficult water and salt load week for me. I use the word difficult because prepping for the XPC finals I was able to eat all my meals with no manipulation all the way through Thursday evening. This week I have had to cut carbs out of my last meals […]
SPF North American Powerlifting Championship Bench - Video
SPF North American Powerlifting Championship Bench
Training after the Wendler UGSS / Deadlifts: 500x9 & called it a day...
Great weekend with great people (and a little bit of training too)