USAPL Raw Nationals Training [4 Weeks Out]
USAPL Raw Nationals Training [4 Weeks Out]
Rough week-- did the minimum amount of work and a lot of fluff work to "feel good"
Wk13 Day2 - 4x3: "30%"
Wk13 Day2 - 4x3: "30%"
Three days out and I think my body is ready
WK13 Day1 4x3: "60%"
WK13 Day1 4x3: "60%"
Week out is the worst!
Week 11, Day 3 - Shoulders & Triceps
Week 11, Day 3 - Shoulders & Triceps
Strongman Off-Season Hypertrophy
Week 11, Day 2 - Block Pulls & SSB Squats (w/Video)
Week 11, Day 2 - Block Pulls & SSB Squats (w/Video)
Strongman Off-Season Hypertrophy w/ Block Pull & SSB Squat Videos (400# x 10)
ME Lower: Taking Some Heavy Squats at EliteFTS UGSS (w/VIDEO)
ME Lower: Taking Some Heavy Squats at EliteFTS UGSS (w/VIDEO)
WPC World's Meet Prep; Wk 4, Day 1 - 9.10.16
SPF North American Powerlifting Championship Squats - Video
SPF North American Powerlifting Championship Squats - Video
SPF North American Powerlifting Championship Squats
Mass Building Week 1 Day 1&2 Upper/Lower
Mass Building Week 1 Day 1&2 Upper/Lower
Punching my muscles right in their bellies.
I Can Go Down Stairs Backward Now
I Can Go Down Stairs Backward Now
Ongoing daily goal: be strong(er) than I was yesterday
Wendler UGSS weekend
Wendler UGSS weekend
Team EliteFTS is just damn cool.
Upper Training - bench pressin'
Upper Training - bench pressin'
Upper Training - bench press repetition type stuff
Week 5 Day 3 - Off Season Training - Upper Body....
Week 5 Day 3 - Off Season Training - Upper Body....
Its all about the back baby....
DE Upper: Speed Work, Close Grip [PR], Back (w/VIDEO)
DE Upper: Speed Work, Close Grip [PR], Back (w/VIDEO)
WPC World's Meet Prep; Wk 3, Day 4 - 9.9.16
Training at the UGSS - with video
Training at the UGSS - with video
51.5 lbs worth of PRs - a full overview of Saturday/Sunday training
Pressing Progress to Start My Next Training Block
Pressing Progress to Start My Next Training Block
I see heavy sets of log cleans in my future
Kettlebell Progressions! (w/video)
Kettlebell Progressions! (w/video)
They smile because it's over, wow what a rush, progressions are tough, give them a try.
Always Learning
Always Learning
I'm just trying to develop a plan, and then execute it.
Final Press Day
Final Press Day
That was the last official lifting day in preparation for Master's Nationals at The Olympia this weekend.
Final Event Day
Final Event Day
I know how sensitive grip can be on all of these events and it was too close to the competition to push things too hard.

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