Wk12 Day 2, Light Upper 50% + EliteFTS Doubled Red Bands
Wk12 Day 2, Light Upper 50% + EliteFTS Doubled Red Bands
Calming down before the main event!
ME Upper: Reverse Band Benching [PR!] (w/VIDEO)
ME Upper: Reverse Band Benching [PR!] (w/VIDEO)
WPC World's Meet Prep; Wk 3, Day 2 - 9.4.16
Breaking News: New Pullup Variation Wrecked My Lats (w/ video)
Breaking News: New Pullup Variation Wrecked My Lats (w/ video)
Today was a lat-frying and low back blasting good time
Dirty 30's !
Dirty 30's !
Those are not rain drops beside my bell.
Resurgence of a DL Deficiency and Knee Rehab
Resurgence of a DL Deficiency and Knee Rehab
Helicopter deadlifts piss me off
Raw bench
Raw bench
Last Thursday was a raw bench day with the goal being 275 for 6 sets of 5 with a close grip.
Upper assistance. Video
Upper assistance. Video
Keeping it balanced
Buffalo Fit Expo
Buffalo Fit Expo
Although I'm pretty bummed about not getting to see all of my teammates and participate at the seminar, I thought this was a really good opportunity to meet new people, learn, and be there for my friend.
Week 11, Day 1 - Chest & Biceps
Week 11, Day 1 - Chest & Biceps
Strongman Off-Season Hypertrophy
Primary Chest, Shoulders & Triceps
Primary Chest, Shoulders & Triceps
11 days out from the Olympia on this primary training day!
Rebuilding: Weight Check Up
Rebuilding: Weight Check Up
Total fatty mode! On the day I took this picture of my garbage can at the end of the school day. I may have spent my morning prep period working on paperwork, eating Cheetos and drinking coffee for my post squat meal.
Overall, I truly love these the most for direct carry over to event performance.
Max Upper Worlds Prep!
Max Upper Worlds Prep!
Wanting to get back in the 200 hundo club again, this should do the trick!
Lower body. Video
Lower body. Video
Gearing up for a great weekend.
ME Lower: More SSB Squats vs Chains (w/VIDEO)
ME Lower: More SSB Squats vs Chains (w/VIDEO)
WPC World's Meet Prep; Wk 3, Day 1 - 9.3.16
Quick Picks for the Week 8/28/16
Quick Picks for the Week 8/28/16
Quick and to the point.
Lower Speed Worlds Prep! (w/video's)
Lower Speed Worlds Prep! (w/video's)
Squats, deads and hypes, all types!
Labour Day Bellistics!
Labour Day Bellistics!
The Manhattan Beach, Outlaw style!
Bench Press: 290x8 / 315 / 330 / 340x2x1 (VIDEO) Increasing Singles after Work Sets
Bench Press: 290x8 / 315 / 330 / 340x2x1 (VIDEO) Increasing Singles afte...
Making progress on indicators outside of just testing a 1 rep max.

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