Block 6, Wave 3 - Assistance I
Nothing like training to help even out the scales on a craptastic day
DE Upper: Speed Bench, Close Grip [PR!], Back (w/VIDEO...sorta)
WPC World's Meet Prep; Wk 2, Day 4 - 9.1.16
Suit Deadlift
For the first time in years, my back is not holding back my pull, but I guess years of not being able to deadlift a lot have allowed my grip to weaken.
Top Work Sets from this Week's Training / Deadlift, Bench, Squat, OHP
Can't complain about going 3/4 on rep PRs for the week!
Upper Pump & Post Surgery P.R.
Sheri Whetham works full-time in the Justice system and also trains/coaches several people in the fitness industry, utilizing kettlebells as a primary source of conditioning and training. She is currently prepping for WPC Worlds.
Highlight Article: Women's Strength Training Program at Ohio Univer...
Really cool article about our Women's Program!
Block 6, Wave 3 - SQ & Rehab
Mixing rehab with regular training is like mixing business with pleasure
Week 3 Lower - Front Squats
Light workout after my first day of the fire academy. Nothing physical starts until Wednesday so I'm just going to take it easy.