Active Recovery
Active Recovery
Furious Pete: Worlds most sour drink
Olympia Bound: Rear delts and triceps
Olympia Bound: Rear delts and triceps
Bench weakness battle plan
Deload Training Wk 2
Deload Training Wk 2
Deload Training
Block 6, Wave 3 - Assistance I
Block 6, Wave 3 - Assistance I
Nothing like training to help even out the scales on a craptastic day
DE Upper: Speed Bench, Close Grip [PR!], Back (w/VIDEO...sorta)
DE Upper: Speed Bench, Close Grip [PR!], Back (w/VIDEO...sorta)
WPC World's Meet Prep; Wk 2, Day 4 - 9.1.16
Suit Deadlift
Suit Deadlift
For the first time in years, my back is not holding back my pull, but I guess years of not being able to deadlift a lot have allowed my grip to weaken.
Top Work Sets from this Week's Training / Deadlift, Bench, Squat, OHP
Top Work Sets from this Week's Training / Deadlift, Bench, Squat, OHP
Can't complain about going 3/4 on rep PRs for the week!
Upper Pump & Post Surgery P.R.
Upper Pump & Post Surgery P.R.
Sheri Whetham works full-time in the Justice system and also trains/coaches several people in the fitness industry, utilizing kettlebells as a primary source of conditioning and training. She is currently prepping for WPC Worlds.
Highlight Article: Women's Strength Training Program at Ohio University
Highlight Article: Women's Strength Training Program at Ohio Univer...
Really cool article about our Women's Program!
Extra Leg Work - Leg Press Drop Set
Extra Leg Work - Leg Press Drop Set
WPC World's Meet Prep; Week 2, Mini Session 2 - 8.31.16
Block 6, Wave 3 - SQ & Rehab
Block 6, Wave 3 - SQ & Rehab
Mixing rehab with regular training is like mixing business with pleasure
Squat Volume
Squat Volume
Two days later and I'm still walking funny
light benching
light benching
Form makes you an expert.
Week 3 Lower - Front Squats
Light workout after my first day of the fire academy. Nothing physical starts until Wednesday so I'm just going to take it easy.
Week 1 - final days
Week 1 - final days
Week 1 / Finals Days before my meet
Deload Training-- Wk1
Deload Training-- Wk1
Deload Training
Deload Gods Smiled on me: Rep PR on Squats
Deload Gods Smiled on me: Rep PR on Squats
315x5 on my first day of Deloading (Rep PR)
DE Lower: Speed Squats and Deadlift Training (w/VIDEO)
DE Lower: Speed Squats and Deadlift Training (w/VIDEO)
WPC World's Meet Prep; Wk 2, Day 3 - 8.30.16

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