Block 6, Wave 3 - OH
Block 6, Wave 3 - OH
More holding myself back to let me knee heal up, but at least I'm making progress on that front
Block 6, Wave 2 - Strongman Saturday
Block 6, Wave 2 - Strongman Saturday
Going light be choice when I feel good to go is extremely hard for me
Leg Crusher, Volume Sucks !
Leg Crusher, Volume Sucks !
My legs feel like gumby today.... the end...
leg stability needs checks
leg stability needs checks
Stabilizers utilized.
Bi's for the Guys
Bi's for the Guys
There's nothing like an arm only day for a bodybuilder in denial to get away from his powerlifting roots.
Intro to Sumo Tuggin' 1001
Intro to Sumo Tuggin' 1001
Gotta get these glutes to earn their keep around here.
Meat Heads Off Duty
Meat Heads Off Duty
It's not always rainbows and butterflies but when you're in the moment, really in the moment and enjoying who you're with, everything else seems to fade away.
Post Meet Pumpin' and Life As a Recruit
Post Meet Pumpin' and Life As a Recruit
Right after the meet, I jumped into the biggest challenge I've ever taken in my life - becoming a professional firefighter. Here's how my training will adjust.
Wrapping up the Deload
Wrapping up the Deload
Last official workout before the meet!
Week 11 - Deload Gone Wrong, but What Would Chuck V Do?
Week 11 - Deload Gone Wrong, but What Would Chuck V Do?
I'm going to make WWCVD a powerlifting mantra. Inspired by the man, the myth, the legend himself.
Week 10 Day 4 - Last Workout Before the Meet!
Week 10 Day 4 - Last Workout Before the Meet!
Last workout before next week's pre meet deload begins. The excitement's really building for game day.
And then, when I am ready, I mean really ready to tackle another meet, I will pick one.
Week 10 Day 3 - Accessory Day
Week 10 Day 3 - Accessory Day
Another routine day in pump city
Week 10 Day 2 - Heavy Bench
Week 10 Day 2 - Heavy Bench
Fairly routine bench session for being 2 weeks out. Feeling ready to rock for a big bench.
Quick Upper Fluff Work
Quick Upper Fluff Work
WPC World's Meet Prep; Week 2, Mini Session 1 - 8.29.16
This was a beacon of light in my training for the day.
Primary Leg Training!
Primary Leg Training!
PR'ed this particular leg press machine today...not that bodybuilders should care about lifting super-heavy weight!
News with me
News with me
Where am at.
Bench Volume
Bench Volume
Death by volume

Items 7661 to 7680 of 13402 total